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Thread: Third eye issues

  1. #1

    Third eye issues

    After a rather difficult initial awakening (forced by proxy), I am quickly becoming well versed in spiritual theory, but I am having some issues with my energy centers. I have become used to my third eye being extremely open - I am able to perceive things and see and create valid synchronicities many are unaware of to the point of losing my mind a bit at times.

    Recently, I shut it down manually on purpose, because it was causing my brain to ache rather fiercely, along with some nasty insomnia and threatening delusions.

    My intuition tells me that it's like a muscle. If I work it out too much, it will be sore until it heals up a bit, then it will work again properly (perhaps even better than before).

    Does anyone else have experience with this? Is my intuition correct? Trying to validate and get as much information as I can before I start working with it functionally again.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Third eye issues

    Quote Originally Posted by Boundless View Post
    After a rather difficult initial awakening (forced by proxy), I am quickly becoming well versed in spiritual theory, but I am having some issues with my energy centers. I have become used to my third eye being extremely open - I am able to perceive things and see and create valid synchronicities many are unaware of to the point of losing my mind a bit at times.

    Recently, I shut it down manually on purpose, because it was causing my brain to ache rather fiercely, along with some nasty insomnia and threatening delusions.

    My intuition tells me that it's like a muscle. If I work it out too much, it will be sore until it heals up a bit, then it will work again properly (perhaps even better than before).

    Does anyone else have experience with this? Is my intuition correct? Trying to validate and get as much information as I can before I start working with it functionally again.

    Thank you.
    Hi Boundless,
    Yes I feel the same way and when bean open or many times forced to be open too long time it will affect the sanity so to speak...we need to be down earth too and have a good balance then we keep our sanity and also develop healthy.
    Yes head ackes are a good reminder to start to do more down earth things and get some good rest, our intuition does work 24/7 and much better whilst we are doing other things....because all energy does flow more naturally....I do only use my third eye if I have to see something more precisely...but we do preceive with our whole body and other senses too.....the hardest thing is to start to trust the intuition and I still doubt it is why I mostly do not say anything even if I see much...I am so afraid to be named -....crazy.

    I wrote before correction 25/7...when this happens then we know it is over working...haha....

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: Third eye issues

    Yes, I find it to be true, Boundless.
    Just don't work it, don't think about it and even though it doesn't 'go away' (you do have to think and see) it's more like 'normal' awareness, whatever that is.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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