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Thread: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

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    The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    Best videos, books and LOA material just putting it all in one thread so it would be organized.

    So this is the first video. It's good! You've got to listen to Jim Carrey. He's a big LOA pro, apparently!
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  2. #2

    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    Joseph Dispenza, How to lose your mind and create a new one is currently a game changer for me. I've never had a book hit me like this. It's given me a new way to apply old concepts i already believed in that is much much easier. This book may be up there now with Paulo Coelho,the Alchemist book for me. Some books just really hit you,and change you. Also,what The bleep do we know. Very very weird movie,and not the most well done in terms of filmmaking,but wow,this movie,i was in a bad mood feeling disempowered,and hurt and chose to rent this movie,and this movie,it was like it was speaking to me,and that's when i got inspired to buy the author Joseph's book. I don't know what it is about deep pain that is very opening,it's like it makes you very receptive to life changing concepts. At least,that's how it tends to be for me. Funny thing is,around august of last year,someone recommended the author Joseph to me,because of some life changing concepts hitting me,but the author didn't interest me much at that time,and now here i am. It's just kind of interesting to me. Some blogger was writing recently about how the right path/teacher for you will work for you and you will be drawn to them,and that's exactly how i feel about this material. It was like the perfect thing for me right now.

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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    Quote Originally Posted by buttercup View Post
    Joseph Dispenza, How to lose your mind and create a new one is currently a game changer for me. I've never had a book hit me like this. It's given me a new way to apply old concepts i already believed in that is much much easier. This book may be up there now with Paulo Coelho,the Alchemist book for me. Some books just really hit you,and change you. Also,what The bleep do we know. Very very weird movie,and not the most well done in terms of filmmaking,but wow,this movie,i was in a bad mood feeling disempowered,and hurt and chose to rent this movie,and this movie,it was like it was speaking to me,and that's when i got inspired to buy the author Joseph's book. I don't know what it is about deep pain that is very opening,it's like it makes you very receptive to life changing concepts. At least,that's how it tends to be for me. Funny thing is,around august of last year,someone recommended the author Joseph to me,because of some life changing concepts hitting me,but the author didn't interest me much at that time,and now here i am. It's just kind of interesting to me. Some blogger was writing recently about how the right path/teacher for you will work for you and you will be drawn to them,and that's exactly how i feel about this material. It was like the perfect thing for me right now.
    Hey, buttercup! thanks for all of this, dear!!!
    I noted to myself to read Joseph Dispenza. Did you know he had a Ted talk? The Alchemist I have at home, I should really read that! If your recommending, I will surely.

    About the others- What The Bleep Do We Know is indeed very weird, lol! but it gave me a better understanding of reality.

    I understand what you're saying about the teacher apprearing when the student is ready, I think it's very true I just posted something about it in another thread haha
    I will post a video by Neville about his teacher (Neville was one of my first teachers himself, I guess) it's a fun video with a lot to learn. I loved it, it's one of my
    favorite recordings of him
    Last edited by dontco; 16th June 2015 at 03:52 PM.
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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    This is Neville's talk about Abdullah, his teacher who was also Joseph Murphy's teacher(!!!). He was a black man, an ethiopian jew who walked around freely living a fulfilling life during the segregation(!!!). All because of what's in his mind. Amazing. We've got a lot to learn from him!
    BTW- it's amazing how I look at it differently then I did a year ago. Now I understand him from experience.

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    "By your own effort waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master." —Buddha
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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    That's happened to me too- reading something that made sense years later.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #6

    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    Quote Originally Posted by dontco View Post
    Hey, buttercup! thanks for all of this, dear!!!
    I noted to myself to read Joseph Dispenza. Did you know he had a Ted talk? The Alchemist I have at home, I should really read that! If your recommending, I will surely.

    About the others- What The Bleep Do We Know is indeed very weird, lol! but it gave me a better understanding of reality.

    I understand what you're saying about the teacher apprearing when the student is ready, I think it's very true I just posted something about it in another thread haha
    I will post a video by Neville about his teacher (Neville was one of my first teachers himself, I guess) it's a fun video with a lot to learn. I loved it, it's one of my
    favorite recordings of him

    I didn't see the Ted talk. I will have to check it out. The alchemist is amazing. I read it during my spiritual awakening a few years right when i found out what the law of attraction was,i was drawn to that book for some reason and it really spoke to me. It was a good book for me at the time. I do find now,that some books,though i love them still,i have evolved a little bit past but it will always be sort of a marker to me for where i was at.
    I've heard amazing things about Neville. Haven't yet watched his stuff or read,it though but i have a feeling i would love. I'll check out the recording you posted.

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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    I really liked this Neville Goddard testimonial so I thought I'd share I agreed with what she said, and she reminded me of a lot of things I believe in. Plus, she has reaaally nice hair haha.
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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    This one is GENIUS I tell you. Genius! amazing. I actually used this little trick and it WORKED! I had a similiar situation as the girl he talked about in the video a few years ago. Maybe even worse.
    I listened to this audio sooo many times, and I thought it could help so I decided to post it here to help those in need. Please try it if you feel you should (listen to your intuition) and you may be surprised! I know I was.
    "Practice the art of informed inner speaking"
    Good luck on your journey, I pray with all my heart that this video will help!

    Edit: I just wanted to add something that came to me right now- from my point of view- the way you manifest in OBEs and real life are the same, the only difference is the time the manifestation arrives before your eyes.
    For example- sometimes in OBEs, I have trouble flying fast. I really really want to fly fast, but I can't because I am aware of the fact that I can't fly fast. So how can I ever fly fast while being aware of it while thought creates reality? when I don't think of it and just do what I do- fly fast then my flying is successful.

    Same goes for real life- when I want something, I don't think ohhhh why can't I have it? I don't think about the lack (like- I can't fly fast). I feel like I do have it and if I feel worthy of it and hold on to that feeling long enough (while having fun doing it!) then it comes to pass.
    What a wonderful life!
    Last edited by dontco; 26th December 2015 at 01:52 PM.
    My twitter inspirational quotes account
    "By your own effort waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master." —Buddha
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  9. #9
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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    I stumbled upon this Robert article about manifestation and I thought it was very nice and might be helpful for some, so I'm posting it here:
    Much love!!!
    My twitter inspirational quotes account
    "By your own effort waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master." —Buddha
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  10. #10

    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    Quote Originally Posted by dontco View Post
    This one is GENIUS I tell you. Genius! amazing. I actually used this little trick and it WORKED! I had a similiar situation as the girl he talked about in the video a few years ago. Maybe even worse.
    I listened to this audio sooo many times, and I thought it could help so I decided to post it here to help those in need. Please try it if you feel you should (listen to your intuition) and you may be surprised! I know I was.
    "Practice the art of informed inner speaking"
    Good luck on your journey, I pray with all my heart that this video will help!

    Edit: I just wanted to add something that came to me right now- from my point of view- the way you manifest in OBEs and real life are the same, the only difference is the time the manifestation arrives before your eyes.
    For example- sometimes in OBEs, I have trouble flying fast. I really really want to fly fast, but I can't because I am aware of the fact that I can't fly fast. So how can I ever fly fast while being aware of it while thought creates reality? when I don't think of it and just do what I do- fly fast then my flying is successful.

    Same goes for real life- when I want something, I don't think ohhhh why can't I have it? I don't think about the lack (like- I can't fly fast). I feel like I do have it and if I feel worthy of it and hold on to that feeling long enough (while having fun doing it!) then it comes to pass.
    What a wonderful life!

    I will check this video out. You seem to have a great energy and a lot of luck manifesting your desires. It is inspiring.

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