Hi Robert,

I was wondering if you could help me identify and experience I've had about 2 or so years ago. I am a self-taught lucid dreamer and OBE-er, but this wasn't anything like it.

What happened was this.

I awoke one morning and opened my physical eyes BUT I was not in my bedroom. I seemed to be lying on a sofa in some apartment. The apartment seemed to have an open kind of feel with very few walls. There was a man and a woman in the kitchen area discussing something. I think they felt "familiar" but I'm not sure. I was utterly shocked and didn't move because I was afraid I'd lock into that scenario. I didn't even move my eyes just used my peripheral vision and other senses. I started to repeat "This is not my reality system" over and over to myself. Quite quickly after that this particular reality collapsed. It didn't fade away per se, it simply well, folder over? How can I explain it best. Basically, it looked like the walls were made of a series of large cards, and they flipped over to the other side. On the other side was my bedroom. I found my physical eyes were opened the entire time. Best I can compare this effect is to an old alarm clock, like in the movie "groundhog day", where a series of cards flip to show the next image of a number on another side. Here's an image for illustration. I should note I do not do any substances! Coffee on rare occasions that's it and I'm quite certain I am sane lol. So what was this? Some strange teleportation? Strange OBE? Did I travel in time to when one day I'll wake up on that sofa?? I've tried looking this up myself but I don't know where to start as I do not know what this was. Thanks in advance.