First off, sorry if this isn't the right place to put this, but I was told this was the best place for it. I'm quoting directly from my post on the other site.

Lately I've noticed that certain colors change my feelings/state of mind. For example, black(Like at night) makes me scared and uncertain. I like to have something like a blanket to wrap around myself to feel safer. I hide my face. White is a good color that I associate with holiness; it's the best kind of energy/color/feeling. It makes me feel calm, happy, and safe. Blue is calm, like the sea. Yellow is very happy, grinning, childlike, bouncy, hyper, etc. Red and black together are angry. Red by itself is feminine. Skimpy clothing, laughter, lipstick. I'm not sure about green or brown, but I think that they're a sort of earthy color. Blue can also be feminine, but only if it's combined with pink. Not combed to make a purplish color, just together. Side by side. If that makes any sense whatsoever. xD

So, my question is, does this apply to everyone? Do the colors differ in meaning for different people? And is this used in energy work/meditation/PK/etc.? I was just curious to see what everone thought about this. And, by the way, if anyone has some techniques for getting rid of fear, I need help with that. Thanks in advance!
