Finally, after about 3 years of meditation and energy work I managed to overcome the obstacle in that area. This summer, one day when I was falling asleep I felt like the energy raised through my spine from tailbone to heart chakra and since then I feel strong energy sensations in my heart chakra on my spinal column ... since last year I was actively practising sitting meditation both transcendental and mindfulness and Ekhart Tolle's books are helped me alot to understand and quiet my mind. Now the energy sensations after overcoming the obstacle on the solar plexus area are a bit changed. I feel a lot of sensations in my spinal column in different sections between chakras and last night I had completely new sensations of energy waves from my tailbone to my crown.... I feel strong energy sensations mostly when I fall asleep or wake up from the deep sleep (in the state when the body asleep but mind partly awake).