I have been experiencing this for about 9 months to a year. I have only started recently using the New technique and cannot say I did any work prior to this. Using the term kundalini is probably very extreme, but I was discussing some of this with a friend and he noted that I should try to ease some of the kundalini pressure I have. He is very spiritual, and very ... I don’t know how to describe it. Lets just say he is like a teacher to me..

Either way what happens is a strong surge which starts at the bottom of the spine and surges up... through the crown. I say through because it feels like I am expelling a wave of energy. While this first started to occur I had another odd event happen. I had a very strong energy spike from my hands, as if they were exerting blue flames. It was so powerful that it led me to my spiritual path which I am now embarked on. I was always philosophical and religious but only recently has my journey begun in such depth. These (spine) spikes continue today and are not as often, but sometimes as strong. They bring on a sort of quick jerk and goos bumb effect localized to the neck and spine. I have been practicing NEW and expect it to offer some balance. Does anyone have any ideas on the cause or more so the effect of this occurrence. Is this something I should try to prevent, I can if I try. But it tends to somewhat empower me afterwards. Another peculiar event occurred while someone was trying to do some aura work on me. The got severly surged. This also seems to happen to anyone I have a very close discussion with, or intense. If I get midly angry for example almost always the person will complain of feelin dizzy. Someone asked if I was vamping but not to my understanding. Others have complained of headaches and extreme dizziness, almost faint like symptoms. Especially psychics, they flat out get mad. Although some part of me finds it amusing, probably the part causing it, I have started to really feel bad, especially when its happening to people that I care for. I think a big part of it is becoming emotionally and psychologically mature rather then confirming some form of surging ability. I also note that it is a by-product of direction, in other words I cant really cause it willingly (well maybe lately), but more so it happens when I don’t control my energy direction. Could this have some neg implication as well? It often becomes hard not to do. If I care for someone or really feel them, it happens. Emotional involvement seems to be a condition.
Any help is greatly appreciated... Thank you in advance...

Ohh as a small side note, has anyone experienced a numbing feeling on top of neck. Almost like a massage of the back neck. It happened to me a lot when I was younger and my parents would try to help me with homework. I occasionally get it when speaking with someone as well, people that are trying to help me with something. Like going to a store or someone reading a book to me. Is that vamping? Or is it someone simply sending energy on their own.