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Thread: About the energy paradigm

  1. #1

    About the energy paradigm

    In the energy paradigm there is a belief that everything consists of an energy coming from one universal source and if you are able to control that energy you can control reality.

    The whole idea of the energy manipulation is very interesting, especially if you consider that it is hard to predict what will happen if you move energy from A to B. For that purpose the energy paradigm has to borrow from other models For example when you use affirmations during energy work you have fused energy paradigm with either psychology or information paradigm, if you have ever done LBPR, you were using combination of energy and spirit work (divine names used as words of power).

    A brand on its own
    It would be unfair if we spoke about energy work only in comboination with other models as there is one nice addition, being purely energetic in nature. There are various correspondences splitting the energy into different shades. You can then work with the shade closest to your desire. These shades can be divided into elements (Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Akasha), planetary energies (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn), alchemy principles (Mercury, Sulphur, Salt), or simply dark and light.

    A mistaken theory
    As I have said before, every occultist at least once tried some of the versions of LBPR as can be found on the internet and to all of them it worked, sometimes better and sometimes worse. Because I currently have no clue how to proceed further in this article, I will just spill some secrets as I used to do in the Oath Breaker series (sorry for honesty).

    Lesser Pentagram Rituals are intended for learning to control and feel elemental energies. People like to use banishing pentagrams in these rituals to banish "evil" energies, but that's not really how that ritual works. Yeeees, you can use LBPR to banish, but at the same time you are bringing attention with "look, something is happening here". The LPR rituals are more a preparation for Greater Pentagram Rituals that allow you to charge/discharge talismans/amulets with elemental power, same as Greater Hexagram Rituals do with planetary energies (that being said, Lesser Hexagram Rituals are a preparation for Greater Hexagram Rituals).

    To truly banish for protection you need to do the counterpart of the Middle Pillar Rite, you have to do the Rose Cross Ritual, which is hard as hell and I never managed to learn that ritual completely, so let me present here a simple IAO ritual used by Fraternitas Saturni:
    1. Stand straight with your hands directed up.
    2. Imagine an infinitely long vertical circle going through the axis of your body, color of this circle is white.
    3. Vibrate "Ee"
    4. Move your hands side ways to the cross position.
    5. Visualize a red infinite circle going through your hands, vibrate "Ah"
    6. Cross your arms on your chest and visualize yourself being in an infinitely big blue orb.
    7. Vibrate "Oh".

    Symbol based systems
    There exist energy systems based on symbolism. This symbolism is needed in both understanding and using the system. For example in case of GD rituals, you need to know something about planets, elements, pentagrams, hexagrams, holy names. In case of Reiki you need to know symbols, healing positions and how to cup the hands correctly.

    You can of course use your sigils or alphabet of desire to create your very own system, whether in conjunction with other systems or not. For example you can use elemental orbs and in your imagination draw desired sigils with them just like with a paintbrush. You can also use e.g. a white orb as an erase of the symbols drawn in such a manner.

    Biggest advantage
    The biggest advantage of the energy paradigm is that it's the fun. With energy work you train both your will AND your imagination, plus you can have a lot of fun with different energy work techniques. Whether you focus on visualization, breathing, body movement, eye movement, adjusting or dispersing different energies, or you go full Bardon to draw Fire into your head, Air into your lungs and heart, Water into your belly and Earth into your legs to go full tetrapolar is strictly on you and your responsibility. Achieving the equillibrium of elements this way isn't as significant or stable as with introspection and strict lifestyle, but it is more fun.

    There are different advantages and disadvantages for every and each paradigm. Use what suits you the best and remember: "Nothing is true, everything is permitted".

  2. #2
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    Re: About the energy paradigm

    Thanks! I find this very helpful.

    To truly banish for protection you need to do the counterpart of the Middle Pillar Rite, you have to do the Rose Cross Ritual, which is hard as hell and I never managed to learn that ritual completely, so let me present here a simple IAO ritual used by Fraternitas Saturni:
    1. Stand straight with your hands directed up.
    2. Imagine an infinitely long vertical circle going through the axis of your body, color of this circle is white.
    3. Vibrate "Ee"
    4. Move your hands side ways to the cross position.
    5. Visualize a red infinite circle going through your hands, vibrate "Ah"
    6. Cross your arms on your chest and visualize yourself being in an infinitely big blue orb.
    7. Vibrate "Oh".
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Washington State USA

    Re: About the energy paradigm

    I'm going to try the simple IAO - thanks for posting

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: About the energy paradigm

    Hi Frater.Akenu,

    Thank you for your post, I´d like to ask you if you know how it is beyond this what you you write here....As I have experience beyond what you write here....The knowledege to co-operate with the source...What is your knowing about this??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #5

    Re: About the energy paradigm

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Hi Frater.Akenu,

    Thank you for your post, I´d like to ask you if you know how it is beyond this what you you write here....As I have experience beyond what you write here....The knowledege to co-operate with the source...What is your knowing about this??

    Hi IA56,
    There are few things that come to the mind regarding what is beyond, so would you please share a little bit detail about what you've meant?

    Kind Regards,

  6. #6
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    Aug 2013

    Re: About the energy paradigm

    Quote Originally Posted by Frater.Akenu View Post
    Hi IA56,
    There are few things that come to the mind regarding what is beyond, so would you please share a little bit detail about what you've meant?

    Kind Regards,
    Hi Akenu,

    Well, when I read what you have wrote, it is the way to understanding to reach beyond so to speak....all kind of "rituals" and "teachings" as to be left or dropped to dare to see what is beyond the ritual or teaching, if you only stay into it, it will box you in and you will go around again in the box so to co-operate with the sorce, is beyond the word´s for me, it is to trust and just do it to speak....I hope this is enough for you to understand what I am talking about and need to hear your opionion about... Thank´s.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #7

    Re: About the energy paradigm

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Hi Akenu,

    Well, when I read what you have wrote, it is the way to understanding to reach beyond so to speak....all kind of "rituals" and "teachings" as to be left or dropped to dare to see what is beyond the ritual or teaching, if you only stay into it, it will box you in and you will go around again in the box so to co-operate with the sorce, is beyond the word´s for me, it is to trust and just do it to speak....I hope this is enough for you to understand what I am talking about and need to hear your opionion about... Thank´s.

    Oh, I see. Let's say I didn't use these rituals in quite some time .

  8. #8
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    Aug 2013

    Re: About the energy paradigm

    Quote Originally Posted by Frater.Akenu View Post
    Oh, I see. Let's say I didn't use these rituals in quite some time .
    I do not know if I understand you right now, do you ask, what happens if you stop using rituals??..I ask...did you not learn what that teaching did take you as far it could, it can´t do anything more for you, you have to have faith and let go of it, because the what is beyond that teaching continues your "education" so to speak, and when you have reached as far as you can and be Close to the source...then you start to co-operate with the source,..and here the word´s stop because you do not know how to express the rest, you just do what you have to the source sees best to use you for the rest of your Life so to you agree with me??...or did I say not enough clear??

    I do not say to stop practicing, because all practice is good, and nessessary...but I say to dare to "Think" behond to be able to reach beyond the practice.

    As it is for me...The Source is but Love and clearness, and when I dare to rest in Peace, I KNOW what is the best was so frustrating when I was waiting to have clear directions, and the only thing I had to do..was listen and feel what the Source is telling me....and in this there are no Words...only understanding....clear understanding....and it is Always my own action.

    Last edited by IA56; 21st September 2015 at 07:55 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #9

    Re: About the energy paradigm

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    I do not know if I understand you right now, do you ask, what happens if you stop using rituals??..I ask...did you not learn what that teaching did take you as far it could, it can´t do anything more for you, you have to have faith and let go of it, because the what is beyond that teaching continues your "education" so to speak, and when you have reached as far as you can and be Close to the source...then you start to co-operate with the source,..and here the word´s stop because you do not know how to express the rest, you just do what you have to the source sees best to use you for the rest of your Life so to you agree with me??...or did I say not enough clear??

    I do not say to stop practicing, because all practice is good, and nessessary...but I say to dare to "Think" behond to be able to reach beyond the practice.

    As it is for me...The Source is but Love and clearness, and when I dare to rest in Peace, I KNOW what is the best was so frustrating when I was waiting to have clear directions, and the only thing I had to do..was listen and feel what the Source is telling me....and in this there are no Words...only understanding....clear understanding....and it is Always my own action.

    I hoped my message will come across a little bit better. Anyway yes, these rituals are just for the beginning and each student should be encouraged to go exploring on his own once his overgrows these rituals. That's what keeps Magick alive and kicking.

  10. #10
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    Re: About the energy paradigm

    Quote Originally Posted by Frater.Akenu View Post
    I hoped my message will come across a little bit better. Anyway yes, these rituals are just for the beginning and each student should be encouraged to go exploring on his own once his overgrows these rituals. That's what keeps Magick alive and kicking.
    Thank you Frater.Akenu..NOW it is CLEAR ..

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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