To add to what I said in this post....

It can be truly said that to raise kundalini one needs to surrender the ego.

One of the key ingredients of dark magicians and witches is a powerful ego.

This will not survive fully raised Kundalini intact.

It will cause massive contradictions in the belief system and a major existential crisis.

The onslaught of inspirational ideas is intense, post Kundalini. This can drive one quite batty.

Ebullient is an understatement.

I raised Kundalini once a week after a three day fast on water and some purging, for a year or so. Then I had to take a break for two years to ground myself and to allow my energies to settle. During this time, I continued my regular lengthy meditations, but did no energy work. I continued thus until I felt completely normal again.

The ideas I had during my high energy period after raising Kundalini (I kept notes) all panned out as truth. These ideas ranged from spiritual techniques to architecture and new inventions.

I agree that what actually happens depends upon the individual.
