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Thread: High-functioning autistic five-year-old reportedly showing signs of telepathy (article)

  1. #11

    Re: High-functioning autistic five-year-old reportedly showing signs of telepathy (article)

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    They don't have to be autistic. My (not autistic) son had full-on telepathy with my mind until he turned 5 more or less.
    Cf if you happen per chance to read this , would you mind giving a few examples of this ? thanks.

  2. #12
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    Re: High-functioning autistic five-year-old reportedly showing signs of telepathy (article)

    Basically, when I napped, he would wake up, the minute I thought "aaaah, he's asleep, I'll take a nap". After a while the only way I could sleep was if I held my mind completely blank and didn't think about him sleeping, I then could nap. Then, when he was a toddler, I would start to say something, and he would blurt out whatever word I was going to say. He only did it with me (but all the time, in front of other people). I'd open my mouth and he would anticipate the word I was going to say. He also did this once with my then minister, who I had a deep emotional bond with at the time.
    There are other instances of this type of thing but these were the most common- and unusual, since he was not very verbal.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #13

    Re: High-functioning autistic five-year-old reportedly showing signs of telepathy (article)

    thank you , that was insightful .

  4. #14
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    Re: High-functioning autistic five-year-old reportedly showing signs of telepathy (article)

    I have followed articles on pyschic autistic children with great interest for some time, especially after reading the book Ausomism, by Suzy Miller.

    We had an autistic boy at the school who really seemed an unsuitable candidate for integration into a comprehensive high school, even though the boys were quite nice to him, often coming to fetch him of their own accord when he turned up at the wrong classroom. Often, he would become stressed and hit himself so hard that I'd run across the playground and gently take his hand to stop him.

    Then he took to isolating himself on an upper veranda (which was duly made safer) and again I'd see him hitting himself. Not really able to leave my "post", I decided to try an experiment and started to send him soothing, loving thoughts every time I'd see him this way and, it seemed to me at least, he'd calm down.

    Then, one day, we were having a year meeting and the kids had to sit on the carpeted floor. This kind of change in routine was difficult for him and, when I saw him against the wall, I decided to go sit with him. Again, I focused on sending soothing, loving thoughts and he began to shift his body a little closer and angle towards me. A passing teacher commented (kind of condescendingly towards him, I guess) "Ma'am, he's really taken a liking to you."

    At the end of year 10, his parents sent him somewhere else for his education, which I believe was in his best interest.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  5. #15
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    Re: High-functioning autistic five-year-old reportedly showing signs of telepathy (article)

    Quote Originally Posted by Beekeeper View Post
    I have followed articles on pyschic autistic children with great interest for some time, especially after reading the book Ausomism, by Suzy Miller.

    We had an autistic boy at the school who really seemed an unsuitable candidate for integration into a comprehensive high school, even though the boys were quite nice to him, often coming to fetch him of their own accord when he turned up at the wrong classroom. Often, he would become stressed and hit himself so hard that I'd run across the playground and gently take his hand to stop him.

    Then he took to isolating himself on an upper veranda (which was duly made safer) and again I'd see him hitting himself. Not really able to leave my "post", I decided to try an experiment and started to send him soothing, loving thoughts every time I'd see him this way and, it seemed to me at least, he'd calm down.

    Then, one day, we were having a year meeting and the kids had to sit on the carpeted floor. This kind of change in routine was difficult for him and, when I saw him against the wall, I decided to go sit with him. Again, I focused on sending soothing, loving thoughts and he began to shift his body a little closer and angle towards me. A passing teacher commented (kind of condescendingly towards him, I guess) "Ma'am, he's really taken a liking to you."

    At the end of year 10, his parents sent him somewhere else for his education, which I believe was in his best interest.
    Hi Beekeeper,
    That comment from the teacher is so revealing about her inner, she is carrying around so much pain that she need to see someone being hurt or kept outside to cope with her pain, she can not show real compassion before she has healed her own pain, and this is the big issue in our society today, so much hurt and pain not freed and healed in us, it takes currage to face your own inner and free it.

    Thank you for this so clear story of how it is in our society.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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  6. #16
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    Re: High-functioning autistic five-year-old reportedly showing signs of telepathy (article)

    IA, thanks for the psychoanalysis. Lol!
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

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