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Thread: What do you look like? And a question on communication.

  1. #1

    What do you look like? And a question on communication.

    Context: So often I like to float around as say a ball of conciousness, sometimes I'll have an ameoba/shapeless shape, other times it's more akin to air or finer shape. I used to have a shape that would resemble my body, but then had fun altering it, but soon got bored and after a particular dissolution-type episode, I prefer just exploring as awareness, you know, travel light and all(gg). The only thing though, I've found it hard to interact with "people" (ones with form)they can pick up on me, comment on a "presence," but don't see me, and when I try to communicate via thought, or merging, I find it ends up gargled at best.

    I thought it would be fun to learn about other's experiences....
    What do you look like when you explore?
    How do you find it aids your exploration?
    Have you ever played around with form?
    How do you communicate?

  2. #2
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    Re: What do you look like? And a question on communication.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zecora View Post
    Context: So often I like to float around as say a ball of conciousness, sometimes I'll have an ameoba/shapeless shape, other times it's more akin to air or finer shape. I used to have a shape that would resemble my body, but then had fun altering it, but soon got bored and after a particular dissolution-type episode, I prefer just exploring as awareness, you know, travel light and all(gg). The only thing though, I've found it hard to interact with "people" (ones with form)they can pick up on me, comment on a "presence," but don't see me, and when I try to communicate via thought, or merging, I find it ends up gargled at best.

    I thought it would be fun to learn about other's experiences....
    What do you look like when you explore?
    How do you find it aids your exploration?
    Have you ever played around with form?
    How do you communicate?
    Hi Zecora

    My answers:
    What do you look like when you explore?

    • human form (awareness of having a body)
    • or a point of consciousness (no awareness of a body form)

    How do you find it aids your exploration?

    • human form - i get to be 'me' but in an enviroment with different reality laws
    • point of consciouness - get to explore without needing a body to do so

    Have you ever played around with form?

    • No, so far i have never tried - my form is always spontaneous

    How do you communicate?

    • talking
    • gesture
    • telepathy (once)

    It was interesting & fun to think about ...
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  3. #3

    Re: What do you look like? And a question on communication.

    Hi Zecora, your questions have taken me a while to reply to because there was no single one answer to each question but I'll try to answer without waffling on too much.
    I have only concentrated on what I believe to have been genuine explorations and not in the dream landscape of Astral.

    1) What do you look like when you explore?

    A) whiteish/ cloudy/see through
    Firstly when I experienced Real Time Zone (RTZ) my hands were whiteish/ cloudy/ see through.Ive been aware of full body. When going downstairs I've put my hands on the rail incase I fell so I've been aware of having all the limbs.

    B) A mist.
    RTZ again and I was viewing myself from the ceiling leaving my body as a fine mist, then immediatly I Was that mist viewing a denser mist from the place I had been viewing.We both merged and flew out the bedroom window.

    C). Normal .
    In what I believed to be Astral I've viewed myself from behind and appeared normal physical shape but a little taller and slimmer.

    D) . A Fine Outline.
    When travelling in what seems similar to what we see space as, then a fine outlined body like a sketching, whiteish.

    E) No body at all.
    But then this was remote viewing so I don't know if that counts. Aware of lying in bed viewing through the vision screen but with a deep feeling that you are there so I class that as exploring consciously being there looking through a telescope.

    2) How do you find it aids your exploration?

    This has never been an issue. I was what I was and events would follow but I have never thought "Flip, I wish they couldn't see me," or " I wish I could get through to the other side of the wall or window" because you just intend to and do .( unless your not meant to)
    A long time ago I remember being in what seemed like a no man's land where everyone seemed miserable and just looked at me but they weren't interacting with each other so I didn't feel threatened.
    Once I landed on a weird looking wooden ship and a woman crew member saw me and looked a threat and got closer but I just flew away.
    I remember seeing black robot looking creatures on top of a cliff. I had flown down onto a beach area with giant pumpkins carved out scattered along the beach that I concluded were look out posts and these robots I think were there to stop anyone going any further. I think the cliff represented an area I could not access and therefore was a place out of bounds to me. One robot flew down near to me staring at me and I just KNEW I was not allowed to go any further so I just flew up and away.
    So you see shape has never been a problem because you just fly away.

    3) Have you ever played around with form?

    I've been so intense on remembering everything and in awe of the experiences this just never crossed my mind.

    4) How do you communicate?

    A) In RTZ I never communicated because it was my bedroom mostly.I have been aware of others there communicating with me but I never responded. I think for most people we start out learning in RTZ and for me maybe my communication skills were not yet developed. I don't know.

    B) In Astral when I floated down to what I believed to be the After Death Zone ( as Kurt Leland called it) this was quite strange because I thought to myself I had better say hello to the person there and in what I heard as a very feeble voice saying hello it was as if I could see my words leaving the top of my head and floating along to the top of his head. When he replied I sensed the same with his words.
    Another time in astral with a young girl I thought the words but no sense of moving the mouth.

    The one time where I think communication was due to merging was after going through a window where someone was waiting for me and I felt so much happiness, excitement, love, protection( I felt this protection overwhelmingly) playfulness and knowledge that this person was helping me . But this wasn't standing talking looking at someone.I didn't see the person there. It was like walking into an invisible electrical field charged up with all these emotions but an image of what the person represented came to mind.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  4. #4

    Re: What do you look like? And a question on communication.

    Hi Newfreedom,
    Really fun answers! I've never used gestures before(aside from a double blink), just goes to show how much I need to learn!

    Hi Susan,
    your questions have taken me a while to reply to because there was no single one answer to each question
    I know right! Then as you said too, what to include in that delineation between soft obes, hard obe's and LDs, or those that are iffy. I appreciate the time you took to respond and share your experiences.

    I really enjoyed reading both your responses! Very inspiring and diverse! Also, it gives me some ideas on what to do when out and about. Thank you so much!((ya'll))

  5. #5

    Re: What do you look like? And a question on communication.

    Hi Zecora, if I can just finish with my view on this .
    When I know I'm awake in bed and go through the process and get to the point of raising up then without doubt I am leaving my body. That is an OBE. No doubt.

    When in my bedroom then I know where I am.

    But when vision is not there and I have a feeling still of moving when vision does eventually set in then the big question is ...Where am I?
    Because a dream had not been in process I always find this to be an environment for specific considerations. Something I either work out at the time or after. In other words this scene has been set up for me.
    When I ended up in the after death area with information about my father I had had 2 nights previously of hints about the visit.
    If I had decided to shoot my consciousness up I used to end up either in a space like environment and what happened after that varied a lot.
    Then of course there is the chance of aiming for a destination by thought.
    So all of these I consider OBE regardless of the type of body I see myself in.
    My consciousness ( or part of ) has left my body.
    So I see it as when there has not been continuous consciousness the difficulty is the analysis as to where am I? Is this a dream?
    ( I just wanted to say this because I couldn't visualise what you meant as a soft or hard OBE)
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  6. #6
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    Re: What do you look like? And a question on communication.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zecora View Post
    Hi Newfreedom,
    Really fun answers! I've never used gestures before(aside from a double blink), just goes to show how much I need to learn!

    Hi Susan,

    I know right! Then as you said too, what to include in that delineation between soft obes, hard obe's and LDs, or those that are iffy. I appreciate the time you took to respond and share your experiences.

    I really enjoyed reading both your responses! Very inspiring and diverse! Also, it gives me some ideas on what to do when out and about. Thank you so much!((ya'll))
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  7. #7
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    Re: What do you look like? And a question on communication.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zecora View Post
    Context: So often I like to float around as say a ball of conciousness, sometimes I'll have an ameoba/shapeless shape, other times it's more akin to air or finer shape. I used to have a shape that would resemble my body, but then had fun altering it, but soon got bored and after a particular dissolution-type episode, I prefer just exploring as awareness, you know, travel light and all(gg). The only thing though, I've found it hard to interact with "people" (ones with form)they can pick up on me, comment on a "presence," but don't see me, and when I try to communicate via thought, or merging, I find it ends up gargled at best.

    I thought it would be fun to learn about other's experiences....
    What do you look like when you explore?
    I don't think of myself as anything, but the one time I looked I had the 'melting hands' phenomena. I don't know if this means anything, since I don't know if others see me as I see myself.
    How do you find it aids your exploration?
    I don't know how it can one way or another.
    Have you ever played around with form?
    Not really. I have manifested objects in the astral, and messed around with my own body's etheric body while in the real time zone, but I have never even consciously thought of myself as an object of any kind.
    How do you communicate?
    Telepathy or empathy, or as Monroe would have written, a ROTE system.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8

    Re: What do you look like? And a question on communication.

    Hi Zecora, if I can just finish with my view on this .
    I appreciate it. It makes sense. You bring up some excellent points, that I've struggled with too. It's very relatable.

    When I know I'm awake in bed and go through the process and get to the point of raising up then without doubt I am leaving my body. That is an OBE. No doubt.
    Wonderfully stated. Being fully-conscious of the entire process, full awareness, whichever way how(one exits/enters/etc)-I call hard OBE, as it's very distinct/definitive, like you said, no doubt.

    What about if I loose awareness during a "solid" OBE and start to dream? As soon as dream elements start showing up, I feel my awareness slipping, or I can't tell if the person I'm talking too is a dream character or I'm really hearing what's going on, I call it soft, though generally find the information to be accurate at a later time. I call those soft, mostly due to my lack of awareness. Or if I project from a dream, they tend to be softer as well, and tend to have a higher risk slipping awareness.

    Then, say if I remain in body, and project a portion of consciousness outwards, to explore about, I call it a "hard RV," as I am mostly in body, and only sent off a fragment of consciousness which I am still one with out. Or if I remain in body, but expand conciousness to expand and encompass say the room, or a whole house, then play around with focusing my conciousness as a semi-point to move around and merge with both an aspect whilist still expanded. I call that just being space or unknown. I'm not technically "Out" of body, so do I call it that?

    I've found that their is alot of diversity and mobility in terms of OBEs. IMHO, it's quite exciting the elasticity of consciousness.

    right back at ya!

    I don't think of myself as anything, but the one time I looked I had the 'melting hands' phenomena. I don't know if this means anything, since I don't know if others see me as I see myself.
    Ooh, I've had that before "melting hands" as well as a "dissolution." As in dissolving, out of control kinda thing.
    Not really. I have manifested objects in the astral, and messed around with my own body's etheric body while in the real time zone, but I have never even consciously thought of myself as an object of any kind.
    With manifesting objects in astral, did you like what you made? Mostly I ask as when I've done it, it's more of a fail, they are very, very, crude, it takes me alot of effort to make anything pretty. I tend to get embarrassed by them.
    Thanks for replying CFTraveler.

  9. #9
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    Re: What do you look like? And a question on communication.

    With manifesting objects in astral, did you like what you made? Mostly I ask as when I've done it, it's more of a fail, they are very, very, crude, it takes me alot of effort to make anything pretty. I tend to get embarrassed by them.
    I found it rather easy to manifest objects, but I didn't judge them esthetically, I was just happy I could do it efficiently. That probably has to do with my personality anyway.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #10

    Re: What do you look like? And a question on communication.

    Makes sense, actually, if I think about it, artistically irl, I'm the same, stick-figure Monet . I'm still struggling, practice, practice, practice, I guess. I'm sure you are being modest, though, the best artists are so humble.

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