Dear All,
I am interested in setting up group interactive discussions about healing using Skype were people can talk to each other for free over the internet. People with high speed internet service and a headset could participate since multiple parties can be included in one conversation. There may be a limit to the total number. The most I have ever tried personally was four (two from North America, one from Ireland and one from Pakistan) but it worked very well.
I was thinking we could have people who have specialized in different forms of healing each take turns teaching what they have learned. That person would be given the "floor" so to speak to present and if they wished, they could provide healings to others over distance using their form of healing. We could have questions during the discussion but also questions that come to mind later could be posted in this forum under the discipline that the person was teaching.
Then...what I think would be really cool is starting to mix and match and blend methods to see what works best together. Some techniques might improve all the different healing methods, i.e. Robert's NEW would improve almost any method I think. And of course you know how I feel about grounding (blush). Also, I would love to set up healing groups where a group of healers all work on the same case. I think there is huge benefit to using mulitple forms of healing on people since each healing technique likely has its own unique strength.
We could use Skype to have discussions and share skype addresses through PM then arrange times. I will be busy for two weeks in August taking a vacation. But was wondering if we could arrange something for September. This would give time for us to think about what we would like to present and would give us time to pick the best times etc. I was thinking weekends might be best? We might have to have different groups form since people from around the world visit here. (Also hopefully by then I will have upgraded my internet service.) But wanted to throw the idea on the table to be considered. Typing out what we do can be pretty time consuming but answering questions after people get the gist would be easier I think.
Am completely open to ideas here and would love input to shape something that would be of interest and benefit to all involved.
I was thinking of it all be free and just about sharing information, experiences, techniques etc.
Very Best Wishes,