hey guys, i think i might have ap last night!
it was awsome!im dying to tell someone about it lol.

so i been trying to ap for about a month now, and last i think i finally did it.
this is what happend, i was laying in bed, trying to ap, i relaxed and cleared my mind and was just paying attention to my body sensations.
i then noticed that this image was poping up inside my mind, it looked like i was looking at leaves from a tree or something, i then pushed the image away thinking that it would mess with my ap attempt.a few secs later it poped up agian, this time, it was the full scene of a field with trees, i knew it wasnt me creating this image, it was in vivid detail, it was like i was there, i looked around and saw every detail.i tried to stay in this place but i lost focus and ended up back in my bed, at this point i felt some vibrations.i just layed there and started to just see what happens.about 30 secs later the vibrations ended and i was still in my body, i continued to lay there then i dozed off but jolted back awake (you know when you begin to fall asleep and you feel like your falling so you jolt yourself like your bracing for impact lol)
so right after i jolted awake, i just layed there.then i started to feel like i was sinking, this time i latched onto this sensation.and went with it.
then it happend!
i sank through my body and i was inside my matress!!
i then flew out from my matres and was floating in the middle of my room.
i was like "no ****ing way!im doing it!"
its funny how i had all these ideas of what i would do if i ever astral projected, turns out that i was totally satisfied just flipping and spinning around in the air ****.
i cant seem to remember the rest of my journey very well.
i do, however, remember talking to some entity and he was explaining to me (with english words and pictures) how reality works.
i know this might not make sense to some, but here is what i remember of what he was teaching me

he said that matter does not exist unless there is a conscious to percive it, and that matter is just a sum of potential energy until something percives it.
meaning that we shape our own reality through thought.
he also was teaching me something about how to travel in the universe in a physical form ( i cant remember everything he was saying) but it was something about how in this dimension, everything is made of energy.even the vacuum of space is made of energy.even the void of space is made up of something.he says that only matter/energy has the ability to interact with this.he says that space is a tangible thing and that there is a way to manipulate it so that we can travel through the fabric of space.
im not sure if i slipped into dream land when the teaching started
but of what i remember it was very clear and vivid.its hard to to explain in words of his teachings.its like he just took his understanding and planted it into my head, so at the time of the teaching i completly understood what he was talking about and it all made sense, but now that im awake i hardly understand any of it.
mars here we come!! lmao jkjk

so this was ap right?if not then what was it?

is there a way to remember more of my journey?

if i ever get good at ap, i will begin to demonstrate for you guys, you guys can write or draw stuff on a paper and ill ap to that paper and tell ya whats on it
no lie lol