Fell behind on updating this journal. I've worked through the first 11 days of exercises so far. I also had an interesting dream a few nights ago.

I was meeting with an old coworker but had trouble finding him. I walked through what looked like a university courtyard and realized I was dreaming. I thought it might be interesting to see what I could accomplish while in a lucid dream.

My first instinct was to "summon" friends. Later on I tried to summon a dog I had growing up but to no avail.

I also tried to see if I could stop time. One older gentleman walking around seemed to be paralyzed mid step but managed to stare at me nervously. A group of teenage boys were suddenly buried up to their necks in the dirt and I had to pull them out. I decided not to try that again.

I also found I could fly. I tried flying up what looked like a hillside but it seemed to change shape and become steeper the higher I went up.

I also tried passing through walls. I was not able to do this but found I could punch through a brick wall as though it were glass. This cut my hand but it healed when I passed my other hand over.

Later on I felt like I was waking up. I tried looking at my hands as I remembered this was a way to stay in a lucid dream but still woke up.

Interestingly I "awoke" but was only dreaming. A few minutes later I actually did wake up.