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Thread: healing schizophrenia permanently, how to get of the pills

  1. #1

    healing schizophrenia permanently, how to get of the pills

    Forum members lets acknowledge that we are made of atoms. With mental illness the matter it's made of is negative brain wiring of the brain. That's what mental illness is made, of, negativity. If we annihilate negativity it will break down mental illness. Note, Read my Great White Secret thread. It teaches how to brake down negativity. Note ask angels to put gods light long term in all your drinks of spring water. Get a psychic to verify with the angels that this is actually happening, the water mixed with light, long term. Getting on medication is easy. Getting off medication isn't so easy but if you know what you’re doing like me it is actually an easy path. Getting sound is the secret to getting off the pills. If you not sound enough you will just guarantee to end up in hospital. Soul retrieval needs to be done. If not expect a psychic attack while lowering medication. Expect to be put back up on the pills. The meds block the feeling of splintered soul part. Appreciate medication for now, Many people have voices and entities are desperate and suicidal. Acknowledging and appreciating the medicine that saved your life by cheating suicide. Make it a practice to work with the medication and raise your vibration, Take a lie detector test to prove that you no longer have entities or voices to the psychiatric doctor, while finishing raising vibration completely. When raising vibration, stuff comes to the surface for healing. Get the Angels to heal what comes to the surface. This process can take many years. But it’s worth it. To be fully sound take yourself on a healing journey to become sound. Talk to the doctors Higher Self at the right time to puppet the doctor by saying yes to lowering medication. This can be achieved when you have obtained soundness. Dissolve schizophrenia threw raising vibration. Acknowledge that schizophrenia is only there at a lower vibration.

    Vibrational Universe

    The mental health system is part of the lower frequency umbrella of the universe. If you raise your vibration above you are no longer resonating under the vibration of the mental health patient frequency. The universe will open doors to you to be able to exit the mental health system lower medication

    Niacin treatment can be a long term treatment substitute to psychiatric medication. Giving you access to lucid dreaming etc.

    Psychiatric food medicine, that might actually cure your schizophrenia permanently for good you won’t have to take the pills for the rest of your life. Haven’t tried it ^ will do. This thread is for people with mental illness is a guide or a thread that can help break free from mental health system jail for those who are under it. Being grateful for medication it has a purpose. No voices means no suicide. No entities means freedom like those who do not have entities, while on medication. zombie consciousness makes the influence of the dark side no longer overwhelming at all mentally. I call it safe mode like a computer mode. Psychic protection. The psychiatric tranquilizers help have tranquillity or safeness. Protective toxins help keep you disconnecting into a safe place when you close your eyes. If the wounds are too strong- overwhelming you have the ability to disconnect.
    ^ psychiatric food medicine to repair the brain, from schiziphrenia web link
    Last edited by; 14th May 2016 at 02:55 AM.

  2. #2

    Re: healing schizophrenia permanently, how to get of the pills

    How to brake free from the chemical imbalanced brain jail

    Get psychic surgery on the brain threw angels to perfect the brain to heal or restore & undo chemical imbalances

    If you get confused while getting off the medication mentally this is what you do
    Last edited by; 15th May 2016 at 12:42 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: healing schizophrenia permanently, how to get of the pills


    I just want to say how happy I am for you to have come this far, I do really root for you to gain your strenth completely.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #4

    Re: healing schizophrenia permanently, how to get of the pills

  5. #5

    Re: healing schizophrenia permanently, how to get of the pills


    It's been 10 years on my reiki healing journey and still going. WIth more then 10,000 angels working on my mental emotional and spiritual bodies
    Last edited by; 22nd May 2016 at 02:17 AM.

  6. #6

    Re: healing schizophrenia permanently, how to get of the pills

    LOTN ; we have strict policy for drug discussion , illegal or otherwise.

    Let's just confirm that you are not recommending people to go off of medication while they have the disease right?.Suggesting so is a monumentally wrong mistake.
    Please rectify or point it out your'e not recommending or giving advise regarding what medicine they take for what disease - If not I'll flag this thread and report it.

    You can read our drug and medication policy on the upper-side of the forum menu.

  7. #7

    Re: healing schizophrenia permanently, how to get of the pills

    First get rid of the disease on the medication first then get off the medication under the supervision of a psychiatrist

    niacin is not a drug it's a vitamin. If you can prove to the doctor that you don't have voices don't have entities under a lie dector test it means that the patient is miss diagnosed with schizophrenia or psychosis

    Therefore medication is not necessary anymore

    therefore it can be slowly reduced under a

  8. #8

    Re: healing schizophrenia permanently, how to get of the pills

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    therefore it can be slowly reduced under a psychiatrist
    All type of schizophrenia isn't the same , most if not all cases require life long medication.
    Quote above , exempts you , like I said this is all supervised under a licensed qualified physician so each case is taken differently and does not tell anyone to just immediately get off their medication.

  9. #9

    Re: healing schizophrenia permanently, how to get of the pills

    Now that we are on the same page , I'll put in my 2 cents , being telepathic this was a huge thing for me too , I had to be put on medication because I was hearing voices (you cannot tell if they are actual voices being put into your head or are coming into the brain instead).I feel much better now that it's all over , that way I can really empathize with your point of view . Good thread

  10. #10

    Re: healing schizophrenia permanently, how to get of the pills

    All type of schizophrenia isn't the same , most if not all cases require life long medication.
    Quote above , exempts you , like I said this is all supervised under a licensed qualified physician so each case is taken differently and does not tell anyone to just immediately get off their medication.

    I can't fully prove it but I think all mental diseases can be cured threw psychic
    surgery on the brain. I can't fully prove that it is reality. So basically it's a theory

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