Quote Originally Posted by lord.of.the.now View Post
Zinc said to cure schizophrenia

What evidence is there that zinc helps people with mental health problems?

Since the 1920s zinc has been known to play a role in mental health. Decades of research has found a link between taking zinc supplements and an improvement in the symptoms of schizophrenia, autism, ADHD and other mental health problems.Along with iron, zinc is the most common trace mineral in the body. Zinc is found in every one of our cells, and is needed for about 100 enzyme reactions. It’s vital for a healthy mind, immune system, reproductive system and more.

The World Health Organization says it is estimated that zinc deficiency affects about one-third of the world’s population. Although severe zinc deficiency is rare, mild-to-moderate zinc deficiency is quite common throughout the world. A lack of zinc can cause many health problems, including depression, impotence, lo


There is a genetic condition called pyroluria where the body becomes deficient in zinc and b6 and an cause a zinc to copper imbalance. The symptoms that manifest from this have been incorrectly diagnosed as adhd, schizophrenia, autism, bipolar depression, to name a few. A simple urine test can determine if someone has pyroluria. The condition is reversed by taking physiological doses of zinc, b6 and other deficient minerals. Vitamin C can help flush out the excess copper in the body that has accumulated. There are only a couple of labs in the US that I am aware of that do the proper protocol for this test.


I ran across this info several years ago in trying to help my daughter with her anxiety that was impacting her life. I had the test done on her and she came back as high normal so she would definitely benefit from zinc and b6 supplementation, which she did for a while but wasn't consistent. Frankly it was a lot to ask of a teenager, already overwhelmed. But she didn't want to try any anti anxiety meds at that point. But the natural route wasn't helping because she wasn't taking the supplements consistently. But this post isn't about her. It's about zinc and zinc's role in mental illness. I just wanted to put this information out there for you about kryptopyrroluria. As well as to highlight the mineral copper and its role in mental illness, and how through a zinc deficiency or imbalance caused by genetics or diet can lead to a copper overload and result in mental illness symptoms. Copper is a trace mineral where a little is good and too much is not good.