Hi confusionOrillusion,
I can only answer from my own experiences, some may have a different opinion to me but here goes,
When I have had an experience it has been very meaningful and at the time because I knew what was happening and trying to concentrate hard not to loose it the thought of eating never crossed my mind, but on saying that I never saw anything to eat. I think I only saw what I was meant to see.
You can create instantly with thought. I seemed to be in water at one time so blew bubbles and it was a lovely sight. Therefore you can also create your own monster faces or whatever just with instant thought.
This is why we advise not to try to project if you have a lot of fear or negative thoughts going on at the time.
I found that once the practice of being in my bedroom or house had happened a lot then all my excursions seemed to be controlled but couldn't see anyone helping me until much later. Therefore I believe we are looked after and monitored even if we cannt see them therefore we are protected.
However on saying that at some stage fear tests were introduced, but these weren't a problem because I had already learnt that nothing could harm me and all I had to do was decide ' Back to Body' and I was.

If we are going to attempt this consciously then we have to be confident and eager with control of fear.
Please don't try until you are and then have a ball.