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Thread: Order and safety for first timers?

  1. #1

    Order and safety for first timers?

    Can i ask to be guided while astral projecting? I want to surrender myself fully to the universe/my guide and be 100% sure that any of my fears and doubts and worries won't get manifested without the permission of both of these two. Is this a possibility and have anyone experienced this as well out of experience and requestence? Please let me know and be fully 100% honest!

    I'm in such a confused state of mind that i want to solve my own fears and doubts while being protected by an aura of light that shields my whole astral body with all of my guides around me that will explain certain things to me at their presence, because i want it that way? I just don't want to attract everything at once and have to go back to my body because of this disordered idiocy.
    Last edited by ConfusionOrIllusion; 8th July 2016 at 10:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Order and safety for first timers?

    Quote Originally Posted by ConfusionOrIllusion View Post
    Can i ask to be guided while astral projecting? I want to surrender myself fully to the universe/my guide and be 100% sure that any of my fears and doubts and worries won't get manifested without the permission of both of these two. Is this a possibility and have anyone experienced this as well out of experience and requestence? Please let me know and be fully 100% honest!

    I'm in such a confused state of mind that i want to solve my own fears and doubts while being protected by an aura of light that shields my whole astral body with all of my guides around me that will explain certain things to me at their presence, because i want it that way? I just don't want to attract everything at once and have to go back to my body because of this disordered idiocy.
    If you are aware of your fears and problems then it is easy to work them away..but mostly we willbe surprised because of the things we are not aware off, so astral and alteret states are to
    revele things and issues from the unconsious to you will become aware to them and work on them.
    I am sure that day will come that you just do it because you are ready to it, I do not see you are there yet.
    Meditate and ask how you can work to get ready...and wait until you got answeres, you will, but be prepared that you might have to wait. Be patient.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #3

    Re: Order and safety for first timers?

    I do not fear... at all.

    What is bothering me is that if entities can pop up while i start to project. Also when i start to leave my body, all my doubts and worries start to appear all once again, like i just can't solve for an actual solution.

    My guides will be there waiting for me, right??

    If you were my guide, what would you have done to handle my fears?? would you shield me at the first time and give me alot of examples at the best way possible?

  4. #4

    Re: Order and safety for first timers?

    What i just want to do is to leave my body and travel into a training room full of protection where things (such as fears.) won't pass without my guides their permission to do so.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Order and safety for first timers?

    Quote Originally Posted by ConfusionOrIllusion View Post
    I do not fear... at all.

    What is bothering me is that if entities can pop up while i start to project. Also when i start to leave my body, all my doubts and worries start to appear all once again, like i just can't solve for an actual solution.

    My guides will be there waiting for me, right??

    If you were my guide, what would you have done to handle my fears?? would you shield me at the first time and give me alot of examples at the best way possible?
    If I was your guide I would tell you to focus and trust your own Power, that you are capable to protect yourself, and if a disturbing entity would appear infront of you, you would keep your cool,
    and ask ..who are you...what do you want...steady and with Power...and you would see that you are capable to handle every situation...
    I would traine you to trust yourself what ever happens that you know you are safe.

    You have a lot of fears, to deny this is dangerous.

    Good Luck!

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #6

    Re: Order and safety for first timers?

    Can guides bring me to a training room where i can master all of my fears without trouble?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Order and safety for first timers?

    Quote Originally Posted by ConfusionOrIllusion View Post
    Can guides bring me to a training room where i can master all of my fears without trouble?
    Have no idea if there is training room, I was not at all handled with care by my traineers..I was pushed into things until I started to trust that I will survive and I did work with my fears in wakened state so to speak. I did not know how hight fear I was before I was flying in wakened state I did train me to take elevator up to high buildings balconies until my fear did cease know I hade concored was when I could fly higher without all my fear training I did in awakened state and it did bleed into alteret states too...
    I think you have a litte bit naive beliefs about others to keep you safe ..when it is all you who have to gain this knowledge by your self ..but can take help from others, but all work must be done by you.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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