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Thread: How fast can kundalini rise?

  1. How fast can kundalini rise?

    How fast can kundalini rise with your tactile imaging techniques?? does it take years? does it take months, or days? and sorry for asking so many questions

  2. #2

    Re: How fast can kundalini rise?

    hi. I'm not familiar with RB's kundalini work, but kundalini can be done in a moment with "shaktipat" which is the grace of a master. basically they do it for you. you can probably find a shaktipat master online, like I did long time ago... as far as I am aware having it awaken the natural way can be very difficult - taking months and years really - whereas with a master they can take a lot of the burden off u. is where I went she is OK.

  3. #3

    Re: How fast can kundalini rise?

    How 'fast' can kundalini be raised?

    A big question.

    It depends greatly on how dedicated you are with your practices.

    I recommend my online video based course, Raising Kundalini, found on

    It is advisable to learn how to do a conscious astral projection first. This changes the energy body in ways that make kundalini more achievable.

    When I decided to do this the first time, it took me one week. However, I had thousands of conscious astral projections under my belt, many years of healing practice, and a lot of practice with energy work and meditation.

    Balancing the belief system is also very important. See my 'Catch Basket Concept' for ways of achieving this.

    Kundalini cannot be raised through Shaktipat. But, I think this can lead to a spiritual awakening that would make kundalini more accessible.


  4. #4

    Re: How fast can kundalini rise?

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Bruce View Post
    Kundalini cannot be raised through Shaktipat. But, I think this can lead to a spiritual awakening that would make kundalini more accessible.
    yes u r right, shaktipat and it is awakened, not raised as u say.

  5. #5

    Re: How fast can kundalini rise?

    This of course depends upon the practitioner. 99.9% of those that claim to be able to do this, cannot.

    Especially if this service is offered remotely. I do not think this could be done remotely.


    Quote Originally Posted by olyris View Post
    yes u r right, shaktipat and it is awakened, not raised as u say.

  6. #6

    Re: How fast can kundalini rise?

    This of course depends upon the practitioner. 99.9% of those that claim to be able to do this, cannot.
    nod they have to basically be in religion.

    Especially if this service is offered remotely. I do not think this could be done remotely.
    worked for me but I understand that your doubt is healthy. cheers

  7. Re: How fast can kundalini rise?

    Shaktipat can only trigered it off then it can rise up mainly to heart chakra
    and will develop from this area
    , if "soil" is to poor snake will come back
    Will reach at least solar plexus and will come back to the root chakra.
    There is big difference between energy flowing through ida / pingala and sushumna
    We are not just plugnplay devices, there is hundreds of incarnations to be cleared out

  8. #8
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    Re: How fast can kundalini rise?

    I received shaktipat twice, the first time I felt nothing, the second time I felt cool energy too, coming down from my head down my torso. It felt good. However, I had no Kundalini experiences. When I did have K 'flareups' they felt like someone literally set me on fire. So I'm not sure how this correlates except it being an energy 'tuneup', so to speak.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. Re: How fast can kundalini rise?

    Shaktipat sounds like someone is a accelerating flow through ida and pingala what can attract "snake" to go out
    But i wouldnt recommend it,not prepared body can be litteraly damaged, fortunately everyone are supplied with
    Protections like "knots" person who want K should ask oneself "am i ready to destroy actual life and begin journey"

  10. Re: How fast can kundalini rise?

    raising kundalini suddenly and fast for my case is a joke... because

    by just raising a little in root chakra it causes many side effects in my body and it causes much preasure

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