Hi. I want to share my experience and I am looking forward to any input. I am a complete beginner. Most of this I do not know how to explain.

I have met a guy and we connected instantly. I have broken up my long term relationship and was easily manipulated by him. I think he hypnotised me and not only I was in a trance state with him feeling orgasmic just by looking at him, but weird thing started happening. I do not know how to call him, magician, shaman or whatever, but he looked like a demon for a moment and then both of us started acting crazy feeling dark sexual energies. After that we felt like we are weightless.

Later on, I was in a trance again and he evoked visions in me. Also I have been seeing symbols. He showed me mind-blowing things and disappeared. He tricked me into thinking we are soul mates. We don't see each other any more but he keeps in touch.

All thoughts are welcome please. I decided to physically get away from him because I don't feel balanced. Even though he is not here physically, is he or some entity doing something to me in astral?