I have come across this dude before, and have watched allot of his videos. And honestly, I don’t think this dude has astral traveled or lucid dreamed a day in his life. He seems like one of those YouTube scammers that has just pulled up info from other websites and made a course

He branded his videos very fast, and has them coming out all the time. YouTube’s algorithm works by putting you yo the top results if someone searchess astral projection and you post allot...-and this guy posts allot...allot of bull♥♥♥♥

He hopped on the youtube/buy my course band wagon. And is selling courses with basic techniques after searching them online.


This guy is good, very good at marketing and editing. The internet today is allot different than the internet in the early 90s. You see the ride in social media, Instagram/Facebook, YouTube. People these days don’t want books with hundreds of pages, or courses hours and hours long. They really don’t have the attention span for that.

Unfortunently allot of those people are just fillers in the background. You can tell from the comments on Ryan’s YouTube pages. These people are not serious, and are basically just issuing spiritually/astral projection as the new hip thing (which isn’t bad). But it’s becoming another one of those internet memes that will have points of growth and no growth.

I think Robert really needs to bite the bullet and expand his marketing In that direction...even though I hate the shallowness of it still is the most powerful way to build a brand.

This is the power of the internet today:

Ryan cooper is a perfect example of that. The dude probably just gets high