As is very often the case, I agree with CFTraveler.

I would also add that when you shift to the perspective of Oneness, of Consciousness being undifferentiated and undivided, of it being ALL, you understand that good and evil aren't even things at all, no more than "stupid" is a thing, or "expensive" is a thing. If Consciousness is all, then the victim and the perpetrator are one and the same. Neither may know or understand this, but Consciousness is experiencing both sides of the situation, all sides of every situation. Every soldier is a piece of it, the one doing the shooting and the one dying from the bullet are simultaneously one and the same, the victims of a bomb are one and the same with each other and with the man dropping the bomb and with the general who ordered it, and the world that has to live with the aftermath of it. It's a hard thing for the material mind to grasp, let alone abide in.