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Thread: Timothy....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Hi Timothy,

    You are good at´s you said that 25 ment...the day at hand...

    What can number 16 mean...and number 70 mean??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Where the Bluegrass kisses the Mts.

    Re: Timothy....

    Another Language


    Back To Beginning

    What's interesting about these two: 16 & 70

    Let 70 = 100% ; where 70/100 = 0.7

    Content lost...aarggg !

    Has to do with Genesis 46 and James 1:1 (%percentages%)(100% sum of parts)(body of whole)


    Time's Great
    Soap Opera

    But what of Sagacity...Ishmael...(Esau having sold his rightful heirship to Jacob, feathers back in here)...

    God's Promise to Abraham [Sarah/Isaac][Keterah*]| God's Promise to Ishmael [Hagar]

    Ref. 2 John

    The Familial Politics of Answering to One Family...The Lion of Judah...The Lord IS One

    Then there is the added mystery of 5 flocks(Jesus' fulfillment)...lending back to The Exodus [Parting of the Red Sea] from Egypt in to Sinai[*Arabia The Happy*], whereof/in the whole [Jacob's, even Joseph's] split off into 5 fingers of One Hand.

    Truth, Lies and In Between


    2017-03-08 17.42.51.jpg


    Again...let 70 = 100%, where 70/100 = 0.7

    16 = 8 + 8, 16(0.7) = 11.2 [the constituents of Zilpah including Herself numbered at 16 given to 2 Tribes(#7Gad,#8Asher)]

    100 - 11.2 = 88.8%

    1 Father [Jacob] through 4 Mothers = The 12 Tribes of Yisrael


    Strong The Root

    Abraham's Sons...

    III Keterah - Fragrance, Incense, Sacrifice

    *Keterah's Sons...numbering six.
    3 Zimran - vine dresser, celebrated, song
    4 Jokshan - an offense, hardness, a knocking
    5 Medan - contention, to twist, conflict
    6 Midian - judgement, covering, habit
    7 Ishbak - "he will leave"
    8 Shua [Sheva/Fifth] - opulence, cry for help, wealth


    I Hagar - Flight

    1 Ishmael - "God has hearkened" , "the fulfillment of a divine promise" ... *Arabia The Happy*


    II Sarai/Quarrelsome~>Sarah/Princess

    2 Isaac - "he will laugh/he laughs"


    One In The Hand Is Better Than Two In The Bush ... The God Of Jacob

    The SOAP of All Soaps ... Page•An•Try/Tri/Tree ... Opera - labor, work, effort


    The Spectacle

    Quite "literally" ... In today's [The Day] present World ... We THE PEOPLE ... All of Us ... are witnessing these Brother's [Sons of Abraham] death-locked within a Blood letting massacre against Life (et)and The Living One. Sad thing is ... They are allowing Them Prideful Selves to be steered BLINDLY around by Their sawn off horns ... that [Said Same Horns] up to within Heaven ... Loudly Alert [Shofar] To ... The World (et)and All It's Peoples ......



    We Fall In Love
    Last edited by Timothy; 9th March 2017 at 06:58 PM.
    Of the end the beginning•In the beginning Our Self.

    "I can tell you,when people cling to bitterness,there is nothing you can do about it,because it's how they define their power.If he [they] can learn to get power from joy, good-" ~ CFTraveler

    "Kundalini is known by many names through different cultures, including The Cosmic Christ.
    I think there is only one mechanism built into all humans, but it has been given many names and interpretations." ~ Robert Bruce

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Timothy....

    Thank you have stirred all up for me....would appreaciate if you can say with few easy Words to sum up it all, please.

    Love you.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Where the Bluegrass kisses the Mts.

    Re: Timothy....

    World Population Projection 7.5 Billion for Growth 2017

    March 2017 Current WP 7,489,568,555 @ 7:44am est

    Scattered Broadly

    8 Groupings Last Measured @ 6.9 Billion = 100%

    Christians 31%
    Muslims 23%
    No Religion 16%
    Hindus 15%
    Buddhists 7%
    Folk Religionists 6%
    Other Religions 1%
    Jewish 0.2%

    Looks like Zilpah's 11.2% holds (majority) shares within the midst of Hindu<~>Buddhist religious (systemic) paradigms...15%<~>7%. No small number @ 840 million

    Hare..Krishna..Hare Krishna nVn Om Mani Padme Hum


    Animal/Plant Populations/Counts = Consumable Food Products

    The World's Food Resources to Human population growth ratio peaked in the 1970s, the food resource line plummeting downward as we continued to peak. In the year 2000 these two lines met like twin peaks criss.../X\...crossing...slope to slope. If the year 2000 stood up with both feet would appear as.../Y\...with one hand in the past holding to what it thought to have sustainably had, and the other hand in the (as near) future imagining to grasp what is everybit lost.

    Words to easily sum it all up? The moment we remember our having been forgetful for our's... IS ...the same moment that we within our forgetfulness re-member our's.

    Twixt artificial and virtual is our's...our REAL...our expressing human Nature imprint within everything that is THAT Nature that is as primordial external imprint as is our's humanly within...primordial internal imprint. Same Same
    ... Au NaTural ... I recently hear tell of It

    16 and 70

    What we thought to have sustainably achieved proved out to have been our artificiality, what we will equally arrive at having lost..will prove to have been our imagined virtuality.

    Like this, "Based upon our past postured artificial (pencil-fvking) thinking toward a current stream of sustainable resources we'd imagined a virtual lasting supply in keeping with our if!?"... -or- "..."if pigs could fly"...suddenly had become our priori-science superseding and therein overwhelming all."

    Oft said to the "moron" found in their self-made ends, "I reckon'd fvk up a wet dream!"
    Last edited by Timothy; 9th March 2017 at 11:54 PM.
    Of the end the beginning•In the beginning Our Self.

    "I can tell you,when people cling to bitterness,there is nothing you can do about it,because it's how they define their power.If he [they] can learn to get power from joy, good-" ~ CFTraveler

    "Kundalini is known by many names through different cultures, including The Cosmic Christ.
    I think there is only one mechanism built into all humans, but it has been given many names and interpretations." ~ Robert Bruce

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Timothy....


    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Timothy....

    The question has bean raised...old ways.....or new ways....maybe I have missunderstood it completely....maybe there is things/ways what will Always be the all times?? what is it....religion has not bean Always...but maybe there is something what has Always existed....what can it be.

    I had a disscussion wÃ♥th the yoga I understood it auerveda is the oldest texts there is preserved...he rose the question...who taught Jesus??

    Maybe I just must dare to trust the inner guidance?? or...??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
    Blog Entries

    Re: Timothy....

    I'm going to butt into this conversation, if I may...
    In the christian tradition Jesus learned the law of his time by the clergy of his time, and learned to 'go into the wilderness' i.e. meditate in quiet space from his own understanding of God (as a father, not as a ruler).
    There are things that, as long as we are who we are, will always be the same- the pernicious dualistic mindset will descend on any belief system even if this belief system is monistic, and people will always want power if they deem power to be from what they perceive with their senses. It is not that archetypes are preexisting (many of what we think of archetypes are not, they're simply cultural constructs) is that true archetypes will always be as long as we're here, in four dimensional existence.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Timothy....

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I'm going to butt into this conversation, if I may...
    In the christian tradition Jesus learned the law of his time by the clergy of his time, and learned to 'go into the wilderness' i.e. meditate in quiet space from his own understanding of God (as a father, not as a ruler).
    There are things that, as long as we are who we are, will always be the same- the pernicious dualistic mindset will descend on any belief system even if this belief system is monistic, and people will always want power if they deem power to be from what they perceive with their senses. It is not that archetypes are preexisting (many of what we think of archetypes are not, they're simply cultural constructs) is that true archetypes will always be as long as we're here, in four dimensional existence.
    Hi CFT,

    Nice to hear your comment, are you saying that what ever has bean on Earth is cultural constructs, and will so be as long as we are in four dimensional existence....
    Archetypes is it what has bean understood from the beginning of time and will Always be in understand the unseen....or....subtle .....

    I am in a state of turbulence and have hard to understand or take in others views....because what is going on is so strong and overpowers other views so to speak...

    This turbulence is coming and going in my Life, I have not right understood it and struggle everytime it makes me to revaluate my beliefs.

    So...I might ask same questions on and on again and sort out my own thoughts or what I really belive...I have let thoughts rule me what I have in retrospect feels that my time is running out and I must be more sure then ever what I Believe....

    Hope you all will have patience with me and give me the time I need to be more sure.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #9
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    Re: Timothy....

    are you saying that what ever has bean on Earth is cultural constructs, and will so be as long as we are in four dimensional existence...
    Not exactly, what I mean to say is that humans impose their idea of reality on anything that is, and this may include what starts out as fundamental monistic beliefs (there is only God and nothing else)- someone 'discovers' that all is one, then someone else begins to notice that perception causes dualism to be apparent (but only as an instrument of perception) and then decides that dualism is the 'real' truth, and superimposes the belief in opposites over the original discovery, and no progress is ever made in the philosophical sense.
    I have seen so many movements do this that it is very discouraging personally.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Timothy....

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    Not exactly, what I mean to say is that humans impose their idea of reality on anything that is, and this may include what starts out as fundamental monistic beliefs (there is only God and nothing else)- someone 'discovers' that all is one, then someone else begins to notice that perception causes dualism to be apparent (but only as an instrument of perception) and then decides that dualism is the 'real' truth, and superimposes the belief in opposites over the original discovery, and no progress is ever made in the philosophical sense.
    I have seen so many movements do this that it is very discouraging personally.
    Thank you CFT...that is for is why I can´t be in any Church or group of people...even I do believe all religions have the same core, it is the people who is in the group who do make "own" rules what you have to obey and live ....and if not they start to spread rumers so and so...and soon you will be an outcast....or if you tell the obvious to them it is not falling in good Earth.....this is for sure discouraging personally totally....

    Do you think it matters for the afterlife??...where you are going after this liffe?? I have had dreams about groupings....what seams to have somekind of impact of decides where you belong so to speak?? or is this also fears of mine??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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