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Thread: Some improved concepts about the structuring of the trinity in the mind and mental body functioning

  1. #1

    Cool Some improved concepts about the structuring of the trinity in the mind and mental body functioning

    Everything is mind
    The perfect One is mind,
    The creational plan is the expansion of the mind, the creation of a new One, in an area where there was no mind
    Theorically a group of evolved beings of different kind with full individuality and freedom of choice that exists working perfectly with each other, through love, the understanding of each others needs.
    One think exists inside another
    A mind exists inside another
    An advanced mind guiding another in their process of evolution.
    To grow mentally is to integrate to other minds.

    The mind expresses in the ten layers of reality, but the other nine layers are change of vibration of mind.
    The mind influence lower levels of mind in evoution under the freedom of choice law, that restricts in reality his influence.
    Every group of minds must learn to solve their problems and find a way to evolve to the next level.
    At the end of each period of evolution, the minds should move to their next level usually through integration.
    Upper minds integrated to lower minds, to guide them to the next level of evolution.
    - lower give and receive resources
    - upper has control over areas where lower minds don't exists.

    The conflicts between groupal beings
    Across the evolution, at different levels will be conflicts between groupal beings.

    The pole conflict
    The difference with the pole conflict means in one planet, only groupal beings of one pole will win and the other will be destroyed in the cicle of evolution, at the end of the process almost completely.
    These is a war to spiritual death.

    The Human Mind

    )What is real?
    In these theory we are accepting as true, the subconscousness, and the ego midns, these means the mind is the group of egos a being has; they are real, it had been demonstrated each one holds different experiences and memories, and push different motivation that makes a person to exists.
    Is real too the displacement needed from on ego to get the control area, and the need of energy and other (materials, nutrients, etc.) to exists, like attention, energy exercises, etc.
    These means there are real and unreal elements in these essay, so it is not totally and imaginary model.

    ) The mentla trinity
    The trinity is the structure that organize the reality of the being and guides their evolution, it is literally everything.
    And as a human law, it is only real when some group decides to make it real.
    And there are at least four trinities (one positive, one negative, one created by positive against negative, and one created by negatives against positives)

    The trinity structures the One through love
    Love requieres a vibration (slow or fast), requires an emotion that intensifies this vibration (sadness happiness), filstrates memories (that intensify individualit yand agresivity; individuality and mutual protection).
    This is necessary and is the basement to structure the being.

    The trinity creates three kind of minds (father, mother, son)
    Each one has different functions
    1) essential energy of love
    2) father intense energy of heat that generates structures, that holds patters
    3) mother flow of all energies that executes patterns
    4) the son, is the omnipresence of the trinity in all minds, including our mind.

    The trinity pays to other minds to execution the function in the trinity toward himself or another being.
    These means the trinity causes the robot, higher mind, and other minds of one being to influence in other people to act in one way toward oneself and toward other people.

    The him is the programmig that makes the trinity the mental functioning of the trinity dominant over other mental functionings.

    The trinity must set and order, that set a functioning, limit what can happen what can't happen, how mental functioning recover himself, etc.
    In example:
    - about position and rotation, must set a law setting the mental body will be always sinchornized in time space and alternate reality with the physical body; including all their parts.
    - about identity, it must set only you are you.
    - etc.

    The Will of the trinity and the dragons to create teh essential structures in the mind(related to kundalini, flow of energy)
    The trinity creates through intense flows of sexual, and trinity energies (heat, life, light, etc.), intense memories, mental flows like root decisions and determination of the being.

    )The mental body
    These means the phenomena of thinking happens in one area, called the mental body.

    The mind requires to find the physical (in time and space)
    The mind requires to flow in the time and space flow of the physical body.
    The mind requires to sincronize with the physical body

    The beginning is the ego child that born in the body that is always aware and present in what happens in the mind of the person.
    Once the mind finds the physical body, it expands his physical body in exact position and rotation to it.

    Then it recreates the body structure, in one of the bodies
    Bones, flesh, organs, systems.
    The critical "organ" is the backbone, because all the critical process to structure the mind happens in the backbone, these means two things:
    - The backbone must be present in the mirror body, complete and with all the bone and o ther structures
    - the mind of the person must be in the 3rd column of the backbone, if these doesn't happens, then the mind of the being is not in the are of control of that mind.

    The areas of the mental body, are five

    First one in the front, the first column, his first function is create the energetic base of the mind, here are al the ego childs, and are connected with the first chacra, the ego childs are like hamsters that grants energy to an ego inside or outside the body; generally higher minds, and makes them exists inside the mental body and in consequence gives them influence and control in the mind. (earth)
    It requires the energy of live to exists. (water)

    Second one are in the middle until the backbone, this area gives the basement of the mental funcitoning, here are adult egos, that provides the mental basement through motivation based one memories and lessons learned, and cognitive functioning; (wood), but requires (earth) and (water),

    Third one area in he backbone, where the adult mind must be present, here is the are of mental egos that executes the mental processing.
    Here is where the control of the being happens (fire)

    Fourth on area behing the backbone, connected by the chimney, a connection in the lower back, where THERE MUST BE a flow for the higher minds. This area is the one that connects with the higher mind, and requires an importan flow of sexual energy.
    Here is where our maximum individuality resides, we are our higher mind, and they control the other minds of the being through different techniques, that are usually used against us, in the spiritula war.
    There is no a direct connection, but it can be set, he is usually the responsible to communicate dreams intuitions, etc.

    Fifth is the area where the angel being, the next level mind of our next level of evolution is present, and guides us. He is responsible to integrate us to the One, starting and mantaining the flow of love, and projecting one mind inside us; in other words in the spiritual and mental reality where we don't have abilities and control, the decides, in the same way we do with cows and sheep, we are integrated and exists as one, but here comes the concepts of belong and responsibility but the different it is not at physical level, it is at mental and spiritual level, the true is the angel being requires other beings to exists, the most important is a being that grants energy of life, the fact that he connects us to the One, doesn't means he is the One.

    The robot
    The robot is critical, he must have stored the areas, the functioning each are must executed
    The robot is the subconsciousness, but he has two mechanisms to modify the energetic and mental structure of the mind.
    The robot has apparently two real arms, to dispalce eogs, grant energy, load mental functioning, coordinate work. In example when you make a energy of capture of energy he does the work.
    The robot requires an ego to execute their task in that sense the robot takes one ego and through him he makes the energy exercices.

    Internalized reality: the robot and most egos too, works baesd on internalized reality, these means facts that are assumed as true, and based on them, he executes their task. These internalized reality is about the internal and external reality.

    The critical information for the robot, for good cognitive functioning

    An interestinf functionality of the roobt is that theorically it store the ego, so if it is project to another place and it is destroyed, it can be restored, yes as a backup. These was one of the most curious things I heard about ego minds.

    1) Body:
    Where is the body, which size, which rotation, which time, space and alternate reality is located.
    It is important because the mind had a maximum of distance to share and interconnect energetically and participate in the mental processing.
    Something as simple like the inside of your body is out, and the outside of your body is in; can cause the projection of egos out of body, out of your mentla body and out of your mental processing.

    2) Parts of the body:
    The bones and different of the body are guidelines for mental processing, to take out, can inhibit the functioning related with it.
    In example: no brain implies no cognitive functioning, no backone, implies a fault of interconection of the brain with the rest of the body.

    3) Functioning of the body:
    Well functioning, health, etc. maybe are not real in the mind as in the physical body, but when you translate that functioning to the mind, these means correct mind functioning. Specially if you think in the fact that the phenomena of the mind happens across all the physical body. Something like circulatory problems can be translated to a facult in what your mind think the circulatory means in his mind. It can be the flow of love of another energy. Fault of oxygen in the mind can be translated as an inhibitor to good cognitive functioning, because oxygen is what makes your brain work ok.

    4) The identity,
    once the trinity and mental body is structures correctly, it is in essence of the mental existence.

    a) Integrate to the angel being, across other person,
    the integration to the angel being happens naturally across the family, the integration requires:
    - envy, feeling powerless, seeing him as power (usually done through the properties of him)
    - is the one that cares the most for one self.
    - is the one that makes the correct for one
    - is the one interested in our survival
    - he is us.
    - your body is in you and you are in his body.
    - sexual attraction and sexual conection
    - intensify and set a flow of sexual energy in the backbone, expanding to all the body
    - he is always happy and positive
    - he is real

    b) Disconnect and block
    - dispect and accept of his weakness
    - he is a susceptible weak
    - the one who cares the less for one, and uses us as food
    - the one who makes the incorrect for us
    - lack of interest in our survival
    - his body is out of our body, and our body is out of his body
    - sexual rejection, he is unatractive, he is only a monster who has sex to have a change to harm and make the uncorrect.
    - dinimish and block energy flow with one
    - he is unreal, a spectre

    3) Protectoin
    - set the trinity over any one.
    - set the essential vibration and emotion of the love as a condition and limiting
    - set a clear set of law in the order for the trinity

    Mnetla structures of energy
    The mind requires the creation of mental structures of energy in the area of the mental body.
    The Will of the trinity and the dragons to create teh essential structures in the mind(related to kundalini, flow of energy)
    The trinity creates through intense flows of sexual, and trinity energies (heat, life, light, etc.), intense memories, mental flows like root decisions and determination of the being.
    These structures are placed across the mental body, are real energetically and mentally, and are the baement of the mental functioning, they provide energy for egos, they set the functioning, the are created with the heat, atoms, water and other energies of the trinity; binding the being to the groupal being, where he exists.

    Mental areas of connection and control
    IN the mental body there are areas of control, and areas of connection
    The areas of control are where an ego participates and has partial or total control of the being (head and the several "cities"
    The areas of connection the top of the head, and the backbone (connection like usbs), are areas used to connect with other beings.
    It is important to identify them because to protect the mental identity (under the theory of the mental body), there area areas where only ego minds of us can be in that area, and only some kind of minds.

    The dragons
    The dragons are a set of mental structures deeply integrates with the sexual energy, that is on of the main creators of structures, with heat of father and energy of life, light and other of son .

    They start as an intense emotion in the base of the backbone, in the first chacra and moves through the backbone to the head, creating these structure.
    Each dragon, set the basement for the essential mental systems of the mind.
    Each dragon is tied with one color.

    The yellow mental system, EARTH: the essentail vibration of love and love
    The blue mental system, WATER: purity of trinity and one and energy of life
    The red mental system: the survival
    The brown mental system, WOOD: the memory and decision system; that structures the idenity and plan of life.
    The green mental system: the presence in the group, the survival and advance of the group
    The while mental system: the personal evolution
    the system, FIRE: The execution of the decision and plan
    The black mental system, STEEL: the individuality, defense and protection

    The flows is a intese mix of energy, memories, decision, that ends in the transfer of energy and motivation of a specific area inside the mental body that activates one ego.
    Each dragon must specify and include the definition and the structure of the trinity, specially the essential vibration of love.

    The systems identified: These areas apparenty crosses several columns, but not necessarily all
    The back of the pectoral, is the door for the love, here is where must reside the ego child, and ego child of the mother and ego child father (who cares him), if they projected one; it must be intensily charged with the emotion of love, it is part of the integration and protection of the being, it is mandatory.
    The medium and front part (the vesicle), connecting to the backbone, it is the area of the one who cares and is the baddest, he is basically the essence of our identity, the one who grow with the being and is integrated with all the egos that grow in the body. He is the king, and he expands in the backbone, until the head, and protect the presence in the body of being of other pole, and other beings (same pole) in areas inside the body.
    Behing the backbone , connected through the chimney, is the most important the higher mind.
    The sexual area, is a child ego area, that provides and transfer energy.
    The backbone, the inner head and the chin, is the main area of control, where only the adult of our being can be present.
    Around the ears and upper head, is the area of presence of love and connection with the One.

    There are other areas, but the important here isto understand is there is a need of a differet energy, a different presence, a flow of energies in each area of the body, that allow the mental functioning work ok.

    The importance of this theory
    The question is then what is the practical use of this information
    Here are some examples
    ) your mind MUST b e placed, your adult mind, your conscousness, your presenece, your energy, in the horizontal position of the backbone, otherwise your mental processing is not ok.
    the backbone must be in the middle of your presence, like if you were behind you.
    ) You must feel your body are is your area, and visualize it correctly, and feel you are present in there. You must feel you are in the place and time your physical body is.
    ) Your must feel your mind expanded across all your body filling it with energy, with a positive emotion, flowing love, etc. otherwise there is a process of inhibition in your mind.
    ) You must feel ou can flow from one part of your body to another without problem, and you must feel each part of your body connected.
    ) You must be consius of the importance of the essenetial energy of love, the vibration, the emotion the memories that must cover specially the back of the pectoral, but must exists and flow across all your body, and these energy must be the element wich is used to create all your mental structures and energy that flows and exists in your mind, otherwise you can be connecting to the opposite pole.
    ) To set clearly the identity/position of god and specific minds, the trinity is the only one god, and is in your mind, so you mind is the only one god integrated to the trinity; you must be your self, and only you, and every ego must have a clear identity, (protector) is the most bad aand the one who most care of you (father/mother) your higher mind, etc. Otherwise your mind doesn't work ok

    The techniques of attack
    The usual techniques of attack requires to cut the energetic body that is the image of the physical body to access the neck, chin and internal head.
    For that rason the flow of element, that genrates steel, requires to steer teh back of the back neck and head.

  2. #2

    Re: Some improved concepts about the structuring of the trinity in the mind and mental body functioning

    These techniques are done through visualization and project through the higher mind.

    The second technique is the draing and destruction of mental energies across the mental body, that structures are needed to have the ego minds active, the process is too long, usually after waking up, only at noon all the egos are active again.
    A process of amnesia and energy drain are used for that.

    The third technique is the distortion of identity (The titan (from greek mithology not attack on titan )
    These means attacker use a subliminal programming to
    1) identify as good
    2) identify as a good of one specific function
    3) to identify as yourself
    4) to distort the body position
    That causes your robot to displace and activate and ego and his higher mind, in one are instead of your own ego and higher mind.

    The fourth technique is the replace of the essential love vibration, these requires to change the vibration, to revenge or sadness, to set the decision i.e. torevenge for what your family did to become bad, and then change the essential structure of love in all the mental structures in your mental bodies (like the water that builds the brick of your internal castle (or directly the bones).

    Teh fifth technique is the anihilation of the higher mind
    Is a real kill of the higher mind, that can be recreated only through the trinity, but possibly there is another way when reintegrating with the Gorupal being, if there is a backup of the mind.
    These happens when a set of about 8 attacker get identities and project inside the victim, then the last member is a "mother like" owmen that identifies as mother, project the energy of life of the opposite pole inside the head, blocks the energy flow to the higher minds and executes an attach.

  3. #3

    Re: Some improved concepts about the structuring of the trinity in the mind and mental body functioning

    Anoter ideas I have about trinity if your are interested

    1.1 Functioning of the Mind
    1.1.1 Introduction: The Plan and the reality: The Trinity, the One, the Him and the Love through the essential thought-emotion-vibration of Love.
    This is a brief explanation to explain the way all elements work together to create the reality.
    Is important to set this is related to one underground theory, and it is not the only one and there must be others that should be presented jointly with this. The reality is the Trinity
    The Trinity are the patterns of functioning and structure(father), their creation and execution are the life(son), and the presence in the mind of both of them(spirit).
    The Trinity becomes in the Reality in the same way the law becomes in the reality for a society, the law is a functioning, to be real, the law must be accepted by a group of people that imposes it.
    The Trinity to be real must be in the same way be accepted by the different beings that exists along the ten levels of reality from thought to matter, and make then work together in the plan of Expansion and Evolution of the Minds. Him
    The Him is a technique of programming that allows a functioning to overcome other functioning in all the minds. Ones
    The One are the beings integrated by the Trinity and have one Trinity (there are several trinities) domaining their minds through the Him, all of the beings in the One complements and have limits in their influence in the other levels, all members of the one are influenced in the same way the influence others.
    But depending the level of evolution one domains over the other, like the vegetables over the inert elements, the animals over the vegetables, the human over the animals, the angels over the humans, System sovereign over angels (apparently, galaxy), Universe Creators over System Sovereigns, Creational and perfected universe over the Universe Creators.
    The first level where the minds evolves enough to exists independently mentally and spiritually are the angel, the next level of evolution of human, the level where there are all the type of beings to exists independently is the System sovereign(apparently). Love
    The Love is a set of energies that integrates the beings in the One, and must be flowing permanently, in that energy are the presence of different type of beings,
    The Love is the presence of the mind of several higher beings granting energy, once you accept these energies you accept the presence of that beings, and your mind integrates with the beings present in the love. Depending the pole most of your being belongs and the Him acting in the robot and independent minds, the present of love could The essential thought-emotion-vibration of Love
    The love starts in the essential thought-emotion-vibration, these essence is real and general a real permission or block to the connection from the Positive One or from the Negative One.
    The Positive are an accelerated vibration of thought expressed in:
    - memories: care, acceptance, all the situations where a being received unconditional help when other renounced to themselves even his own life to get that being exists and survive, connected to others.
    - thought: optimism, hope, reception of help, gratitude.
    - warmth: heat.
    - emotion: intense happiness that derives in individuality through the transference of empathy and activates the flow of positive love
    - thought: empathetic, first is the wellbeing of everyone,
    The Negative are a slow vibration of thought expressed in:
    - memories: pain, rejection, all the situation where a being was attacked and killed or almost killed, with the goal of raising his own individuality and decision to exist, disconnected from others.
    - thought: sadness, reception of pain, revenge, gratitude.
    - warmth: cold.
    - emotion: intense sadness that derives in individuality through cold-anger and activates the flow of negative love.
    - thought: individuality, first is to impose oneself in control and power over others. The Plan
    The plan is only one the evolution of the mind, in the process of evolve minds, they integrate to the one, or to different beings, and they evolve.
    The evolution occurs in areas where there was no mind, and the mind is seed and start to evolve, and integrate. The different type of Ones
    No one beings exist independently, for that reason to exists different type of beings must join in a Plan of evolution of the minds.
    The reason of two types of love and one
    I'm not sure if I understood correctly, but,
    In one underground theory, the creational being is good under a eternal perfect, correct and good plan
    But these plan forces to make a will not everyone likes and in that sense, they rebel and creates another One, starting from the rebellion of a System Sovereign, and they become the kings of all the other beings, destroy and forces the positive One, to obey and work for them, as they worked for the Positive One.
    In another underground theory, the creation being are a group of beings who uses the rest of creatures as sources of energy.
    And the Negative One, comes as savior that protects and helps abused beings who lives in a dream.
    And I suppose there must be others, but the latter are the main as I understood You, Your mind and the Groupal Being
    You are your being, a group of minds (composed of different independent minds) that exists in bodies that exists in the different levels of vibration of reality from mind to physical matter, and are ten.
    The mental body is then the structure where what you are (your being, your minds) exists and integrates to the One, through a Groupal being.
    The Groupal being is a group of beings that includes angels, higher mind of energy of life, etc. that has the minimum abilities to allow the existence of the different beings present in the Groupal being.
    All of the being in the Groupal being are interconnected with the others and requires in
    Each layer exists integrated but is independent and have a different way of working and integration with the rest, starting from the physical layer, where is the physical body and in different ways grants energy.
    1.2 LAYER OF THE BEING: The Trinity
    1.2.1 The Trinity is the mind that creates the whole reality
    The trinity involves the programming of the 10 levels of reality from thinking to material layer, through the programming of the whole mental reality, including the programming of all the different layers of the mind.
    1.2.2 The Trinity is the only one God, the Him
    These means is the mental structure that superimpose to any other mental structure, giving coherence to the mental functioning.
    1.2.3 The order of the trinity
    It defines the limits and the unmovable and critical structure of the Trinity, what must be, and what can’t be.
    The vision, the finality, the main strategy and main guidelines.
    The internalized reality of how things are, the correct, the wrong; the real, the imaginary.
    The unmovable laws, the laws exceptionally breakable, the regimentation.
    The assignment of identity, the position, the benefits, responsibilities of each identity, etc.
    The general guidelines and excepted behavior and functioning.
    1.2.4 The purity of the Trinity
    The trinity, if it is positive or negative, needs to have purity these means consistence between the higher beings and egos that integrates the Groupal Being, where all the beings of the trinity belongs.
    Of course, this is not possible as is not possible to keep a physical body free of destructive agents, from microorganisms, to physical objects that can hurt the physical body.
    As cleanse, care and periodic medic diagnosis and treatment for the physical body, the care of the mental body and the Groupal being is a whole life critical circuit of tasks.
    1.2.5 The dynamic evolution of the Trinity
    Based on the hypothesis, on historical evidence, that Moses, with the help of different higher being, but limited by the universal law of freedom of choice, that inhibits higher beings to influence in lower level of existence in evolution more than what he can on diverse functioning. That Moses tested and after several trials defined the Trinity for Israel.
    And the fact that Christ adjusted it, leaving clear it respects the previous law, but giving a new functioning, we can say that the trinity is a dynamic system that must be updated regularly, but for this tasks the understanding of the trinity must be dominated and have a clear foundation for all the members.
    In these strategy, really the worship and understanding of God are in the own mind, in a set of scientific, that means coherent behavior under a set of laws of mind, spirit, body, etc. we must investigate and understand across the all 10 layers of reality. In mind and spirit as we had done currently in our physical body.
    1.2.6 The first step for the trinity: loading of the Trinity and activation of his essential structure. The necessary loading of one Trinity as the dominant Trinity
    Under the existence of two underground groups, we can guess there is a high possibility that directly and indirectly (social values, stories, doctrines, etc.) there are four trinities, the positive, the negative and each one, one trinity to attack the opposite without attacking his own trinity.
    In that sense the first step is to set the dominant trinity and the loading of this trinity in the mind as the ruling trinity; and starting from this point the internal and external reality of the subject is structured. Reset of programming to default value of the Trinity
    Every trinity structures several elements of the mind, i.e. identity, him, etc.
    The Trinity must have a default value, based on his Order, and a circuit of resetting this structures are needed as part of the initial structuring of the Trinity. Setting the essential structure of the trinity
    The creation of the essential structure of the trinity (vibration-acceleration, emotion-essential functioning) is the first step to receive help or attack, because the essential structure of the trinity is the one that allow the flow of the specific love of one Trinity. Expanding to all individual minds (egos) and structures in the mental body
    To become effective the trinity, it must become in force in all minds and structures that shape the mental body.
    1.3 LAYER OF THE BEING: The Trinity Father: The start of activity and mental patterns
    The father is:
    - The essential vibration, emotion and behavior.
    - The intense heat that creates and maintain active the structures that holds the mental patterns of functioning.
    - The Order
    - Spatial position and size: Absolute and relative Position, rotation, size.
    - Etc.
    1.3.1 The Generation of the Heat that origins the Trinity Father
    The mental presence in the correct area of the mental body, is the root of the generation of heat, this is a continuous flow of electricity (dominating internalized reality that generates an structure and functioning in the trinity, present in the mind)
    A mental attack requires the opposite effect, to drain energy generating cold, and displace presence from the area of the mental body, to avoid the structuring of the father of the trinity.
    1.3.2 The design of structure of information for the application in the Trinity Son and Spirit
    The Trinity Father must structure the functioning, to be used by the other members of the trinity. The Master Circuit, Circuits and Flows
    There is a master circuit that calls other circuits, and each circuit calls a flow of task to be executed.
    In these design resides the creation of mental structures and functioning of the mind.
    1.3.3 The progressive structuring of the father
    The father is structured progressively Restructuring the functioning
    Restructures, adding or modifing the functioning of functions and procedures, adjusting or improving it periodically.
    All the functioning must reinforce the functioning of all the other layers of reality, in example is essential all functioning motivates and intensify the essential vibracion-acceleration-emotiona-functioning of the trinity that holds the trinity and the flow of love. Expanding
    Expands the functioning across all
    - Cognitive functioning
    - Structures Intensifying
    Intensifies the functioning, because the intensity and the heat, are what materializes the father structures, and the functioning of the trinity. Restructuring the dictionary
    Creates and adjust the dictionary, because all the functioning is defined through words, and to improve the functioning, the language must be more precise for the structuring of the trinity.
    1.3.4 Dictionary
    The dictionary is the basic and essential structuring of the mind.
    The definition of each word must include a flow, that structures all the reality principally all the areas of the mental body, covering all 10 levels of reality; it can be done reinforcing other flows that does this job.
    1.3.5 The Plan of the Trinity
    The Trinity has a plan, based on a finality; and based on that everything is structured.
    1.3.6 The legal structure of the trinity
    The legal structure of the trinity, laws, regimentation, etc. is created to guarantee the execution of the Plan of the Trinity.
    It includes the legal structure to protect against opposite and destructive trinities, setting the essential laws
    The strategy of the legal structure: Based on knowledge
    The problem with the legal structure is like identity, you can say anything is a essential law and in the subconsciousness this law will take effect immediately. For that reason what makes something a law, is his tie with the structure it holds, and why it holds.
    Finality: Survival of the being.
    Survival requires minds of the being to be awake.
    Essential Law: Robot can only awake minds
    redirection: sleep a mind is a nonexistent function in the robot, and only causes to awake the mind.
    1.4 LAYER OF THE BEING: The Trinity Father: The law
    1.4.1 Order: Law essential survival:
    The robot only can awake and keep awake a mind, to sleep is inexistent it causes to wake up a mind too.
    The subconsciousness always give resource and structure to keep awake all minds and push them to awake, an independent mind can take the decision to sleep, but the resouces he needs to be awake are always available, in the same way the push to wake up.
    The function for the subconsciousness to sleep an independent ego by himself, is inexistent, the function to sleep is the same like the one to awake.
    1.4.2 Order: law essential for mental existence: The bodies across the 10 levels of reality are synchronized and in the exactly the same place, rotation and position.
    The areas inside the mental body must be synchronized across all the bodies, to allow an ego to displace and execute the problem mental function. When granting other sexual energy
    The sexual energy is needed to activate minds, for that reason the flow of sexual energy first fill and activates egos in the own being, and then with the supervision of the activated minds, these can be granted to activate other minds in other beings.

  4. #4

    Re: Some improved concepts about the structuring of the trinity in the mind and mental body functioning

    1.1 LAYER OF THE BEING: The Trinity Son: The execution of the patterns
    The Son is the patterns an mental structures and functioning conceived in the Father, made reality.
    It is the effective existence of the being: to have all mental structures, to be alive, to be awake, to have all mental-energy flows functioning correctly.
    1.1.1 Flows of Energy: The Rainbow Dragons
    A dragon means a flow of energy starting fro the heat, structure a functioning of the father of the trinity, trough the different kind of energies that implies a functioning in the being of the Son of the Trinity.
    These are the different dragons, that structure the different functioning of the mind, and integrates, making it realistic and adequate to the survival reality of the being.
    The root of the dragon is an intense heat from the trinity that through memories and decisions, reactivates a structure and a functioning.
    Yellow, happiness positive
    Red, suffering
    Blue, purity of the being, these is related with defense and angel being; this is about of the purity of the being inside himself, and cleanse of energetic and presence that do not belong to the proper body. The blue too is the inhibition of other system specially red system (in the 4th key) generating control to motivator toward a plan to the survival of the Groupal Being.
    Black, defense
    White, learning and evolving of the individual mental and spiritually
    Green, wellbeing of society Groupal being
    1.2 LAYER OF THE BEING: The Trinity Spirit: the omnipresence of the father and son
    This is the omnipresence of the father and son, that means the permanent functioning of the mind, under this trinity.
    1.2.1 Guarantee the vital and essential functioning of the Being
    The trinity before grant and inherit his working to his members, he set the properties and functioning that are permanent and unavoidable, i.e.:
    - He is always awake; that is transferred to the keep active the subconsciousness, and higher mind, that keeps awake all the time.
    - He is in the in the wheel of time records all the events all the time, real or not; this activates the registry of perception in the mind.
    1.2.2 Adjusting fault of presence of the Trinity
    If some internal or external stimulus doesn’t activate the trinity, then it must be associated dynamically, this stimulus can be anything, a sound, image, sensation, flow, circuit, etc.
    The association with all the aspects of the life and their stimulus are a requirement for the Spirit to be effective and activate the presence of the whole trinity in the mind permanently.
    1.2.3 The main a generic trigger to activate the trinity
    There are universal triggers that activates the trinity permanently in the mind.
    Father: blow sound
    Son: flow, breath
    Spirit: perception
    1.2.4 The main Circuit that structure the trinity cyclically
    This circuit involves all the steps that guarantee the activation of the trinity.
    1.2.5 Transference to the Individual: The being is the only one God
    Once the Trinity is structured,
    1.2.6 Structuring The Trinity
    The trinity is an individual structure, so it must be set in each individual by himself, an integrate with those who shares this trinity. Logical Structure
    First we set the finality of the trinity: the grant to each individual: individuality, freedom of choice. Survival, as a individual an as one, thinking each other as oneself.
    Setting the strategy an finality of being, activating the highest cognitive functioning, including memory, to learn to find a way to get all the beings exists as individuals and as One, in equilibrium.
    Basing the right of level consciousness, based on the right of helping others and based on the requirement to fulfill the requirements of the trinity of individuality, freedom of choice and Survival. Prayer
    Setting the trinity is an internal act and decision of each mind, we start structuring internally from our own infinity that is our always growing an expanding mind, across the time, space, through eternity an infinity.
    The trinity can be structured through a prayer, it starts setting the initial vibration, acceleration, emotion an attitude that domains all the essential energy layer.
    Then the trinity activates the logical structure to guarantee: individuality, freedom of choice. Survival, and finality of being.
    Then the trinity grants completely an integrates to the being, becoming one with him, triggering the essential structure of the being, but too inheriting his finality in the One.
    1.3 LAYER OF THE BEING: The One
    1.3.1 Responsibility with other beings of our One Recognize
    These means you have to recognize as a member and as part of your One, to all the members, and help as much as you can. Karma: responsibility to the responsible
    These means the responsible for damage must pay the damage they had done. Darma: payment for the work well done
    These means the responsible for good work, must receive a prize for the success.
    1.3.2 Responsibility with other beings of other One
    Different One, even when they can coexist in some levels of the reality, it can in all, and at the end they end destroying each other, because they fight for capturing the evolving minds and source of energy. Recruitment of members of the Opposite One
    There is a responsibility in all levels of existence to offer possible candidates to change to our One. Defense against opposite Ones
    There is a responsibility to attack and protect from beings of other One, these uses to happen in several levels of reality, in example love, expanding love to his mental body, it is not conscious, but it blocks his connection with the One, maybe from here comes the warnings about having sex with people who are not of our believing, meaning belongs to other One.
    Responsibility to stop an sabotage the work of the other One, because meanwhile one One wants to help humanity, the other wants to sink in a hole where they don’t have other way out other that quit to his One, and change to the Other.
    These work is usually done by underground groups, and by humans through normal institutions of the society, can be undone manipulating positive social institutions for the humanity and resources, to avoid they reach their goal to help other people, they don’t do it personally but creates the opportunity and if possible force to it.
    These is not obvious for people who don’t understand the existence of diverse Ones, and the existence of underground groups.
    Meanwhile the decision through a small ritual to sell your soul, to be baptized or to integrate to a family of the opposite One, to change to other One, seems harmless it start a process that can take several decades that reborn and reconnects gradually a being from one One to another One.
    1.4 Layer: Robot (Subconsciousness)
    1.4.1 Loading the Trinity

    1.4.2 Individuality: Integrating the Being and his subconsciousness
    After the Trinity is structured and integrated to the being.
    The being requires the subconsciousness recognize as Him to the being he belongs, and to get the Subconsciousness integrates to a Groupal Being.
    The Trinity does this work through the Him, but is necessary to fortify and guarantee the selection of the subconsciousness to the being who owns it. Function to get the subconsciousness to select the being who owns him to structures the Trinity and Him
    To get it, are necessary the internalized realities and Trinity laws that guarantee that:
    You: the pronoun of the second person singular or plural, used to identify the person or persons being addressed.
    Internalizes realities:
    (for a trinity that base on right)
    Right: Only the being who owns the subconsciousness deserves to control the subconsciousness, in that sense only he, once integrated to (for a trinity based on the strongest)
    Strongest: only the owner of the mind is the strongest in its own mind, in consequence the being integrated to his trinity is the only one god for the subconsciousness.
    Strongest: The decision to be the strongest and control, guides to become that, and that decision is implicit in the decision to survive, and the decision of survive is implicit to the fact of exists, if you are existing you decided to survive.
    his trinity, deserves that.
    Law of the Trinity: Based on the right the only being who can be him for the subconsciousness, is the being who owns the subconsciousness.
    Suggestion: You (the subconsciousness) only serves and recognizes as yourself to the being who owns you, and you are one with their structures and their minds, and all of you is the ones who deserves youserlves, who have the right, who are the strongest in you.
    Suggestion Phrase: Only you are you, you own yourself, you are the strongest you and you are the only one who deserves and controls it. Only you are you, you and you are one.
    Suggestion One Phrase: Only you are you. You are where you are.
    1.5 LAYER OF THE BEING: The thought
    The thought is the beginning for all the other 9 levels of vibration that are the different realities until the matter reality.
    Higher beings teach to care what you think as if each thing you think will be reality in some time and space, inevitably.
    1.5.1 The misuse of thought: fear, desire
    The fear and the desire are equivalent because the first inhibits the thought activity an the desire consumes the thought energy, until the desire are resolved.
    1.6 LAYER OF THE BEING: The Trinity (The source of reality)
    The Trinity are the patterns of functioning and structure(father), their creation and execution are the life(son), and the presence in the mind of both of them(spirit).
    The Trinity becomes in the Reality in the same way the law becomes in the reality for a society, the law is a functioning, to be real, the law must be accepted by a group of people that imposes it.
    The Trinity to be real must be in the same way be accepted by the different beings that exists along the ten levels of reality from thought to matter, and make then work together in the plan of Expansion and Evolution of the Minds.
    1.6.1 The different types of trinity
    The trinity evolves with the evolution of beings independently of the pole they belong (positive or negative).
    Depending the pole, we could define four basic types of trinity
    • The Trinity to nurture positive and protect from negative Trinity
    • The Trinity to destroy negatives
    • The trinity to nurture negatives and protect from positive Trinity
    • The trinity to destroy positives
    These understanding is vital specially for the first stage of evolution of the mind, where the beings suppose there is an only one One, that always has the victory and there is only one Trinity mental structure.
    The understanding makes obvious the need to understand the correct programming of the Trinity of their pole and overlap with it the other programming in their own minds.
    1.6.2 The adequacy of the Trinity for oneself and for each specific situation
    The Trinity needs to be suitable to oneself and the specific situation we are living, that is part of the process of evolving of the trinity.

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