You may be interested in experimenting with the raw food diet. Check out "SunFood Success Diet" by David Wolfe and "Raw Power" by Steven Arlin, as well as research by Dr. Gabriel Cousens. This is a movement that uses diet to increase spiritual realization. The theory in a nutshell is that what you ingest affects your vibration/energy. For example, in yoga practice, one is encouraged to abstain from meat and alcohol because they attract lower-energy beings and lower your own vibration, making it harder for you to raise your energy to higher levels. The raw food movement takes it much further, and these folks are achieving really high states of energy and spiritual insight by eating only raw plant food. I've been experimenting with it. It's very interesting. Causes major changes, fast developments, rapid detoxification and major shifts in perception.

Just to throw that out there for anyone who's interested.