This runs along side Nursing Babies Journal.
I feel its time to put together in one section all the guidance I've been given that is helping me so I dont loose it amongst the pages.
I've chosen to do it electronically as its all taken from Nursing Babies.
I,ll add to it as I sift through the pages over time.

Its my comfort blanket. My own Inner Guidance Journal, My own Personalised Satalite Navigational System.

I encourage everyone to connect with your own guidance , but if thats not possible just now I hope you can take something from this.

I do'nt always know the origin but I know for sure whether,

* a soft loving whisper heard in the ear,

* a formal sounding voice making an announcement

* a thought or voice so quick that it interrupts my chain of thought,

* a quick flash of clairvoyance,

* a riddle heard just in that liminal stage that needs to be worked out,

* an OBE excursion taken somewhere whilst I'm still conscious and taken to view something that needs
to be worked out,

* a dream in symbolic form which later translates as an event that eventually happened in physical,

* a vision clairvoyantly of symbols with universal meaning

...this inner guidance is never judgemental. I have free will but know for sure that if I keep this channel open it is guiding me gently and slowly at the times I need it ( not when I want it) to try to bring out the best in me.

( in no particular order)
