I would like this thread to be a place where we can share our inexpensive earthing solutions, which have proven to be effective.

Please feel free to post details of any earthing kit or setups that you have tried and found to be good.

I have put together and tested many different styles of earthing setup and will be posting the details of some the best ones in this thread over the next few weeks.

Some of the D.I.Y earthing setups I will be posting soon are:

  • Anti static wrist strap setups (fast cheap and easy)
  • Earthing connections to pipes and main sockets
  • Earthing with silver conductive socks (great to sleep in)
  • D.I.Y earthing socks using silver conductive thread (great to sleep in)
  • Earthing carpet squares (good under desks and for meditation)
  • D.I.Y earthing sheets using silver conductive thread
  • Creating soft wrist bands and leg bands using socks and conductive silver thread