Looks like I'm not one of the lucky to master astral projection in 90 days ;o) However, I feel I'm making progress, so I will move on.

Recently, I have paid more attention to breathing, which is naturally shallow and quick for me, which doesn't seem to work when projecting. Also, I spent some time adjusting my chair to facilitate a relaxed pose where my spine is properly aligned, i.e. not sagging.

After energy work, I feel very energetic, almost electrically charged, almost like an audible hum. Yet, I feel very physical, and only rarely do I feel there is a separate body, which feels like it is about to float, a feeling that often remains for hours after.

I must say I'm a little disappointed, as I went though the complete routine, without even a single successful projection, from waking or dreaming. All that is left is the need to debug myself, and to keep trying, without a clue as to what works or not. I would love to have someone guiding me through, but know of no one to help me out. I would appreciate a little encouragement here...