From The American Journal of Modern Physics (201
"Considering Big Bang Theory is not an adequate model of the universe, the Higgs field could not
appear in a certain time after Big Bang. This is another serious inconvenience of Higgs mechanism. "

I intended to add the above quoted passage from the article but could not see my previous post
because it awaits Moderator approval. Still can't see it as I write this post.
Please note, the premise of the ‘Big Bang Theory’ has not been called in for question; dogma.
Thus the basis on Quantum Theory is based on supposition, not evidence based.

Ironically Quantum Physics, Big Bang Theory, Super String Symmetry are not congruent with the Higgs Boson Theory.
Their magical maths and renormalization of constant values still can’t get ‘intellectual phase locking’ to work.
However if one dismisses all those inconvenient details, then the marketing, and wordship of Quantum Physics/materialism goes on.

Lets Sing [Tel Lie Vision Program Show]:

Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...
The Earth began to cool,
The autotrophs began to drool,
Neanderthals developed tools,
We built a wall (we built the pyramids),
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,
That all started with the big bang!

tralalalalala .....