Yes. Experiencer, yes. Believer, no. There's a huge difference.
When someone says 'so and so' told them that the arcturians are coming (just a made-up reference), I say, ok....tell me more. Other people will just believe it and when it doesn't happen, they'll imagine the arcturians came and were invisible, came to a parallell earth, or they had the date wrong- it must be ten years for now. That's a true believer, and I'm not one.
Even Whitley Strieber, the 'experiencer extraordinaire', often wonders if what he experienced was more of a spiritual phenomena, and not 'nuts and bolts'.
I always wonder about what happened to me, and why it stopped, and wonder what exactly is what happened. A believer doesn't wonder, they just accept any explanation.

You should look at the video, it's really interesting (at least to me.)