Man I love listening to Roberts interviews. But honestly there needs to be a new metaphysical platform for people that have experience in this type of stuff.

I’m really tired of listening to the same old questions that interviewers are asking. Like they are just asking basic questions and still trying to come to grips to the reality of astral projection.

I’d like them to go deeper into kundalini and high spiritual evolution, advanced psychic experiences and development, Dan Tien and different energy centers. Robert has said he has had many amazing experiences like meeting Bardon in the afterlife and visiting cities inside the earth protected by android or advanced beings. Really his knowledge goes deeper than just regular oobe.

There really needs to be a platform for people deeply experienced with this type of work. Just getting tired of these interviewers that have been speaking to people about astral projection for years and yet have no experience or direction to go with it, and the ads on the show ahhhhh.

Man I think I will start my own platform in the future.