Thank you, Sinera - for liking my poetry, and for being the first (and only) member to respond my salute.
And to underline that, here is another little try, inspired by your avatar:

When you hold that little lute
Gently pinching all its strings
Not just that you're looking cute
But your psyche gets its wings...

And to be more clear - poetry is not for presenting myself as some kind of a "romantic wanderer"... hahahaa...but it's a tool. A very efficient one, I might add, when dealing with the Astral Realms.
Like songs also, poems caress the subconscious, awakening the right hemisphere's potential - vital in understanding the...Shadowlands.

Thanks again, and I look forward to exchange other thoughts with you.2018-10-27-15-29-15-1450494289.jpg