My latest energy work book is called 'Energy Work'. The pdf you have may be older material. The ebook, New Energy Ways, is the original draft that contains the raw material, but the book 'Energy Work' is the finished product and contains a lot more applications, etc.

NEW (new energy ways) is freely available as a web document on this site in the articles section.

My latest methods are given in the Raising Kundalini video course.

All of my books contain some energy work, tailored to suit, as this is the cornerstone of my work.

I totally agree, that OBE could be considered a prerequisite to raising kundalini. It is not essential for this, but it makes it a whole lot easier. Conscious OBE causes changes to occur in the psyche and energy body that make kundalini more possible. And OBE is way easier than achieving a full kundalini raising.
