I am so glad to have stumbled onto this site, and wish to read as much as I can. I have been practising Reiki for about 10 years nowand find it extremely satisfying spiritually and emotionally.

Although I have not worked with many people as such and worked mostly with family and friends and maximum with myself ,but I still realise that there are many limitations that I face.

Maybe I will find some answers here. I have recently started exercises on the net that are used for awakening the firey serpent, the kundalini,but, I think that I am either doing some thing wrong or just not doing them correctly as I have started having immense bodyache especially, in my legs and toes and by evening there is a lot of swelling around my ankles.

All the tests and checkups show nothing is wrong so I thought maybe these exercises are making me sick.
Please guide me if anyone can.

Here are the exercise rituals which I am pasting in original form from the book that I am reading:--

"Stand with your feet a little apart.Face north. Raise your arms to each side until they are horizontal and pointing up. Close your eyes and take ten deep breaths. Slowly sweep yours arms up until your palms are together above your head arms as straight as possible. Move your hands back , lift your chin, inhale and arch your back as much as you can.

Begin to breath out and, straighten up, and bring your hands slowly down to your side. Take three deep breaths as your hands reach your sides and bring your feet together and open your eyes."

This seems like a very simple ritual but , whenever I do it my back has such a strong vibration that I can barely hold the arching position for 3 to 5 seconds and that is it.

I read some place that if the Kundalini is awakened then it can be a very painful thing, so I am confused . Is my kundalini awakening?

Help anyone!!

Thank you , CFTraveler, for suggesting to repost my message here, I hope to find more replies.