Quote Originally Posted by Leon View Post
My problem is I feel pain and discomfort during deep mind asleep body awake altered state meditation .

It happens from time to time usually after 30-40 minutes of meditation.

During meditation I feel a strong discomfort in whole my body, I can't even describe it properly but it prevents me from going into the deep altered state....

My goal is 3-4 hours long deep meditations but to do so, first I have to find a way to overcome these discomfort sensations...

Can anybody give me any advice how to deal with these unpleasant sensations?
In principle, you can experience pain in every of your bodies (physical and "above"). Pain, discomfort, anything that doesn't seem right, distracting. As the problem occurs after a while, several causes seem possible.

The most mundane, of course, would be going stiff from keeping still. You'd be the judge if this is the case and what the exact nature of your discomfort is.

Beyond that, blocked energy in any energy body can be felt as discomfort of varying sorts. Something isn't right. I'm saying "any energy body" because if it arises after quite a while it might be that you have transferred your consciousness to any of the higher bodies. These transitions are not always noticable, though I found that at times it can seem that the space within you became... bigger. The sensation of being in a wider space. This does not necessarily come with any visuals. Deepening trances can give access to the higher bodies, so if your symptoms are accompanied by signs that occur as you venture deeper towards the border of unconsciousness, that can also help to find out your bearings.

Higher body sensations and energies can be felt in the physical/etheric body and might ground themselves through it. Think of as a screen on which suddenly a different slide is projected - the state of another body. It's still the same body but you experience another layer of experience through it. You might be getting a peek at something needing resolution in your higher/inner bodies, but the sensation is filtered through the physical body (though deep trances also might allow having the experience "there," but for what I'm getting at it doesn't matter so much).

Now, dealing with discomforts doesn't need an exact understanding of their nature. It is more a matter of attitude, intention, and your ability to be with them. By reflex and habit, we steer our minds away from discomfort. I wouldn't exactly recommend to do the opposite, but the way I see it, there's a middle ground. A gentle putting of your intention on the discomfort or including the discomfort in it.

Once you do that, you can actually try many things. You can set the intention of having it unravel. Not break it apart, not will it out of existence, but for it to let go and resolve itself. It is somewhere within your being. It came up as your consciousness turned inside. It is something unresolved. You don't need to necessarily know what it is. It might even stem from a time in your life where you cannot match a memory to the occurrence of the original event at its core. But the energy doesn't require that to be worked with. Intention, attention, patience. In a sense, accept that it is there, right now, as it evidently is. You experience it, hence it has a sort of place in your existence. Try being with it if possible. Do not force yourself. Force is not involved or necessary. You don't need any result by any given time.

I can't tell you how long it might take to dis- and resolve the discomfort, or if this method will yield results for you. You can try. Maybe you gain insight into its nature, maybe not. Maybe it will resolve quickly and lead you deeper, maybe not.

You can experiment with other things, such as posture. Experimenting is actually good in these matters. Get to know what works for you. Change a few things around, see if you get different outcomes. See if a different posture, a different approach to the phenomenon as it arises, if any of these effect a change. Ideally you document for yourself what you did and what the outcome was. There is a sort of science of self and none of us are exactly alike, not at least in the way that every technique or approach works the same for everyone.

Hope any of this helps.