Robert, once as for manifestation it's related, talk about such subject as follows:

The law of attraction, universal law, manifestation, magic, Bee Following, are all related.

Where your attention goes, your energy flows. This is a principal law. It can be applied to manifestation.

Ritual, visualization, and energy, all play a part in manifesting things and energies into the physical realm.

To manifest an object into your life, get a picture of the object and put it up somewhere where you will see it frequently. Visualize this coming into your life, as if you already had it.

For a more indepth explantion, get a copy of The Secret.

Go to I highly recommend this DVD!!! (some of the people from 'What the Bleep' are in this doco)

An example of using manifestation and energy:

A friend approached me several months ago, wanting help to sell her house. It had been up for sale for a year or two.

I suggested the following:

1. Tape a 'Sold' sign over the for sale sign in front of your home. Stand in front of this, smiling, and have someone take a picture. Make sure your house is also shown in pic.

2. Get a new metal picture frame, something fancy and expensive. On the back of the picture, write in bold the price you want for the house, eg, $550,000.00

3. Place picture in frame and place it somewhere where you will see it frequently in the day.

4. Every time you look at the pic, imagine the house as already being sold at the price you want. As you do this, raise energy to your heart on the in breath, and on the outbreath breathe out through your arms and hands and into the picture, mentally saying the words 'sold, sold, sold'

5. Whenever you think of your home or see the pic, think of it as being already sold.

6. Start getting ready to move, packing and etc, as if house is already sold.

When my friend did this, her house sold in less than four weeks for a lot more than she expected.

Robert Bruce

Inquirer was a member called PinkRose, and he asked Robert as follows:

"I have read some material in the forums about manifestation, but just wondered what Robert Bruce's teachings on manifestation and creative visualisation and where these fit in with NEW. In terms of manifestation i mean those in the physical plane- ie bringing into your life circumstances or material objects that you have focused on/ desire. Where does energy work relate to this and creative visualisation?

Ideas much appreciated."

Previous quotes have source in a thread titled "Mansifestation" (there is a spelling error), whose URL is:

I expect this serves mercedes's interests.

Furthermore, I especulate about trying with using "Heart Center Healing Method". May be, such procedure would give more effectiveness to manifestation process.

¿What do you think about this ideas?
