Last night I kept dreaming that I was accompanied by an energetic being that could be felt to the touch but not seen. (I have had this dream before). This morning I decided to project to see if I could get an answer, but couldn't, because the phone wouldn't stop ringing. But I did get into a light trance in which I kept hearing my own voice saying "I need Ted" over and over. When I realized what I was doing I forcefully said "I DON'T need Ted" and freaked a bit. Then I decided it was time to get up.
Then it occured to me that maybe someone is visiting me named Ted. Since I don't know anyone named Ted- any astral travelers called Ted coming by to say hi?-
Edit: Because I'm trying to pay more attention to these little episodes of clariaudience in my meditations, I've decided to convert this to a sort of journal, when I can make out what is said.