Sorry Tom, that site was all the info I had on it. I found it (the site) interesting as an alternate view & in that it kind of meshes in places with what I've been reading about our real history, figured the rest was worth thinking about. The OP asked a question & I provided what I knew about it.

The science side of what they present shows a bit of confusion about what some of the science actually is, but if I rejected info on that basis I'd be working in a lab somewhere only talking to people who can juggle cantorian infinities in their heads.

If there is a definition for life that makes sense it is that its cells contain little power-makers, tiny factories that take chemicals like sugars & produce energy. If there was a way to somehow power-up these factories, it would certainly have an effect on the being. Who knows - I'm no advocate for it all, just a reader.

The site did lead me to Essiac tea which seems to be helping a friend fight cancer and/or emphysema, but then Essiac tea isn't their product or invention.

As for it being a poison, I'd hesitate to take massive doses of the raw chemicals, but trying (say) the Essiac tea (or the Vitalitea) plus the Concord grape juice for a while & seeing if it affected meditation and/or AP/OBE experiences would seem harmless enough.

This whole site (AstralDynamics) is about a subject that is difficult to quantify & would probably be rejected by those from the straight science camp, so finding ancillary subjects that are a little woolly shouldn't be a big surprise.