I have allot of experiences with harmful thought forms, demons, or terrifying experiences.

When pursuing higher levels of consciousness, I experienced the positive divine-like experiences, but the next day, would be like a pendulum equivalent to the good experience, something terrifying would happen.

I never understood why until I watched the movie Jacobs Ladder; “if you’re frightened of dying and you’re holding on, you’ll see devils tearing your life away, but if you’ve made your peace, then the devils are really angels freeing you, just a matter of how you look at it”

I believe it is freeing you to higher levels, if you let go of your fear which is hard.

Also, I know that I experience allot of dreams or astral which relive or twist a movie, TV or videogame into a similar or scary experience, sometimes we secretly are attracted to those experiences, or get caught up in reliving them for some reason or another. But like you said they play out the same, as if the script is already written, and you are acting your part.

Try doing something that doesn’t follow that script, if there is something scary you would run away from, walk up to it and talk to it with compassion, ask it what it is, what is it doing and why, sit down in the middle of it all and close your eyes.

The easiest thing to do is wake yourself up.