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Thread: Global consciousness project

  1. #201
    Scorpyn Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    If I ever get my MSN working. It's set up now but it won't let me sign in. Aaargh!
    If you don't log in for 2 months or something I think the account will deactivate. Go to and sign in, it should say something like "we have reserved an account for you" if that's what's happened.

  2. #202
    lightworker Guest
    Are you guys still at it? I'm doing my own. I am passing on a prayer to my friends and telling them to pass on that prayer to everyone else. My prayer goes like this:

    Dear God,
    I pray all consciousness find it's way back to you. May we experience this physicality with you. I pray all consciousness find it's way back to the source. Amen.

    Although my friends do not really remember the real intent of this small prayer, which is for us to remember out true purpose, I believe deep down inside they believe in this.

    My friends are not really into new age, my country is more of "Atlantean Culture" although we are a Christian country. Everyone is into drives, desires and dreams of grandeur and achievement in career etcetera...

  3. #203
    Hibby Guest

    Re: Global consciousness project

    Dear Universe,

    May we discover and cherish all of your fruits... and may those who are lost find confort.

  4. #204
    Join Date
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    Re: Global consciousness project

    Dear Universe:
    May your unbounded joy permeate all that exists, and all that will.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #205
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    Re: Global consciousness project
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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