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Thread: Significance of Dreams

  1. #1
    MK1127 Guest

    Significance of Dreams

    I was wondering as to your perceptions on dreams and their significance. I hold that there are different kinds of dreams, some more symbolic, others merely nonsensical. I believe that many dreams serve as a form of mental and/or spiritual training. One view is that they could be messages from the higher self. I have personally woken from dreams a different person, feeling as though I have been gone for months, and lived intense experiences during that time.

    Another aspect that I find fascinating is precognative dreams. Again, varying from symbolic representations of events to exact scene-for-scene preplays of things to come. Any thoughts as to the nature of these?

    Personally, the line between dreaming and astral experiences blurs a bit for me, and I have a tendancy to shift between the two, sometimes recalling memories from both in the same night. This is something I have been working on.

    I realize that I am jumping around the map a bit, but please, if anything I have said spurs a response, throw it out there.

  2. #2
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    Re: Significance of Dreams

    Quote Originally Posted by MK1127
    I was wondering as to your perceptions on dreams and their significance. I hold that there are different kinds of dreams, some more symbolic, others merely nonsensical. I believe that many dreams serve as a form of mental and/or spiritual training. One view is that they could be messages from the higher self. I have personally woken from dreams a different person, feeling as though I have been gone for months, and lived intense experiences during that time.
    I agree with you. I believe that dreams is what our brain does with information we get from our higher self and our 'physical present' self. So however accepting our subconscious is, is how we perceive these.

    Another aspect that I find fascinating is precognative dreams. Again, varying from symbolic representations of events to exact scene-for-scene preplays of things to come. Any thoughts as to the nature of these?
    Again, I would think that they are coming from our Higher self, who includes aspects of our future 'I', and will only let us know what is good for us to know.
    Personally, the line between dreaming and astral experiences blurs a bit for me, and I have a tendancy to shift between the two, sometimes recalling memories from both in the same night. This is something I have been working on.
    Ditto for me.
    Also I believe that the highly symbolic, almost incomprehensively abstract dreams are coming from a part of our higher self that is either very new or very old, and not so connected to physicality.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    cainam_nazier Guest
    Dreams and thier significance. I could go for a bit.

    For me too seeing that the line can sometimes blurr between dreams/projection it can be tough some times to tell the differance. But mostly for me I think that it comes from being a largely lucid dreamer. I do from time to time have a "regular" dream, where as I just wake up with the memory. But for the most part I tend to experience them rather than remember them. But there is always a different feeling with known projections.

    I also do think that dreams range on thier importance. Oddly enough though I kinda like the nonsensical dreams aswell. The ones that make absolutely no sense what so ever. It amuses me because for the most part for me those dreams are usually based on some sort of physical influence be it stress, hunger, or back ground noise while you sleep. But it's the way that those dreams get distorted, like the chair, alarming like the alarm clock but no matter how many pieces you put it in it is still going off because the alarm is real, the chair in your dream was not.

    But as I was explaining to my brother a couple of days ago, dreams are one of the best places to learn things. Now some times it feels like I am being taught, were the information is coming from I don't know, but it's there. But there are also times that the information just seems to be floating around in there. I guess the best idea that I can think of would be that at some point in time you gleaned the information from some where and your brain just hasn't got around to processing it. So you have a dream on how to rebuild a motor or some thing to that effect.

    There are also those dreams of profound spiritual significance. Oddly enough the secound most life changing dream I had happened inside a 15 second window of physical time. I passed out at work one time. I was only down for 10 to 15 seconds but in that time it felt like I had slept for eight hours to include the handfull of dreams that I normally have at night. And they were strong personal dreams too. I woke up with a changed view of the world and became giddy with in minutes. I had never felt that good.

    Anyhow I think I am starting to ramble.

  4. #4
    Akashic_Librarian Guest
    I believe dreams are very important and should be trusted if a message is clearly given. However you can scrutinize them to some extent. For example If you had a dream about raping someone. it does not mean you should rape someone. it is SYMBOLIC.

  5. #5
    LightMan Guest
    Dreams are not only there for the purposes stated above but to release emotions and desires that have built up over the day. I frequently dream about things that have been on my mind and are an ongoing problem until they are solved or dealt with in reality. Dreams also tend to give us what we want, things that are not attainable yet in reality.

    Just my two cents.

  6. #6
    christine Guest

    I want answers LOL

    I am constantly trying to figure out the meaning of dreams. For me I have those dreams that completely come true within a week or so. I know there has to be some reality in some dreams, because these were not incidents that I could have possibly manifested. Then I have those wacky dreams that I cant make sense of! now, After having a few dreams that came true I tell myself that I will find cures to disease's or i will better my self in my dreams. I say a few affirmations during the day about what I wish to explore in my dreams. and i have to say it has been working. I even came across a cure for a disease, it was some kind of plant and i was in the future. I know that it could just be non-sense and just a dream that holds no truth, but if other dreams were so accurate and true, who knows!! Maybe this cure was true too!

  7. #7
    LightMan Guest

    Re: I want answers LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by christine
    After having a few dreams that came true I tell myself that I will find cures to disease's or i will better my self in my dreams.
    Last year I dreamed of owning a flip-top mobile phone. It was silver and I was playing with it at my desk in my dream. The next day on waking I decided to visit the Virgin Mobile website to check some phones out. I came across a silver Motorolla V220 that was on offer and I decided to purchase it - it looked very similar to the one that I dreamed about. When I received it I feel in love with it straight away, but it was somewhat smaller than the one that I had dreamed about but very similar in appearance. I have not played with it at my desk yet though .

    Sometimes our dreams seed us with urges to bring them into reality, just like mine did with the mobile phone and since we forget many of our dreams we forget were the urges come from.

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