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Thread: Stimulating the third-eye, causing physical eyes harm?

  1. #1
    chips Guest

    Stimulating the third-eye, causing physical eyes harm?

    i am great at stimulating my third-eye (6th chakra) and lately ive been stimulating it alot. ive noticed that people would now all of a sudden ask me "whats wrong with your eyes?" at first they were yellow and then they looked uneven. so my question is, by over stimulating the third-eye area, can you actually damage your physical eyes?

  2. #2
    chakra74 Guest
    For me over stimulating the third eye causes very bad headaches. In a way a head ache is a physical symptom, so I would say anything is possible. BUT, I would like to add that I think it would be extremely unlikely.

    It could be the effects of using your physical eyes for longer durations or the way you are focusing. When I spend way too much time on the computer my eyes will go a little yellow and will get blood shot. If you are using your physical sight in conjunction to third eye development like viewing auras you could be just causing physical strain on your eyes.

  3. #3
    xxhealinghandxx Guest
    in addition to what chakra said, if your eyes are strained out you may want to try out palming. Palming is an "exercise" for your eyes developed by some Dr. Bates guy, and people are finding out that these methods along with other methods applying the same principles are helping people get their eyesite back without having to use glasses. Here is a link for palming, it will relax your eyes due to the heat produced by your hands it is soothing.

    and if you want to learn more about eye exercises you could go to

    hope your eyes get normal again.

  4. #4
    chips Guest
    thanks for the posts guys. its jsut seems very strange to me because when stimulating my thire-eye chakra, i am not using my physical eyes at all. i am just using my awareness

  5. #5
    xxhealinghandxx Guest
    actually you may or may not notice, but at least for me, when I was seeking a way to stimulate my third eye because I thought it would be all cool to be psychic, (before I started new; I'll do the major chakra work later) I found an exercise that had you focus on the point where the third eye is located, and in addition to that roll your eyes up towards that spot - the middle of the forhead. Anyways I noticed that when it was getting really strong somtimes and I focused on it again my eyes would seemingly by themselves roll upward without me noticing till I opened my eyes and then - whoops looking at the ceiling. So it is possible that when you really do alot of stimulation up there you are exhausting your eyes a bit. Maybe you should check next time to see whether you are or not, of course if you have your eyes open all my post has for you is tips on further stimulating your third eye increasing your yellow ones

  6. #6
    Many people who have 'issues' with seeing carry tension/stress in the third eye area in addition to around their other eyes. Stimulating the third eye (even if not physically) can have the same effect as a message (releases tension). If there is stress all around the eye then releasing the tensions only on the forehead makes the tension uneven. The change in forehead wrinkles can be noticed by anyone. Over stimulating the third eye had the opposite effect (adds tension). I can not say if permanent damage can be done??? As a practical suggestion I would try gentle massage around (not in) the whole eye area to see if the effect of being noticed goes away.
    Sin nada (Nothing is impossible)

  7. #7
    chips Guest
    this is very interesting. just in case though i have stopped stimulating that chakra and im now focusing on the other ones. and im sure my eyes dont roll up towards my third-eye area because i have my physical eyes open and id notice if they started moving.

  8. #8
    Wolf_Thor Guest
    Well, I have had problems with red eyes. It's a little better now though.

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