Simple projection technique that allows you to create hypnagogics -- this is a Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming technique, as well as a phasing technique:

Put yourself in a relaxing position and close your eyes. Eliminate all worries and attachments to physical consciousness. This is your time, so do not let external factors steal it from you.

Visualize yourself getting up and walking out of the room. Walk out of your house, onto the street. Walk along a familiar path.

You do not have to see the images, but you have to be careful to simulate time exactly. This means that if you are visualizing a 20 minute walk to a familiar place, the visualization must take 20 minutes as well.

At first, you'll be completely blind, all you will see is the darkness behind your closed eyelids. So what you need to do is imagine the scenario and use the familiar memories of your house to populate the landscape.

As you walk around, look at everything you can, look at the walls, look at the ground, look at every object on your path, analyze it, name it, visualize it clearly. Make it last.

The trick is to slowly forget that you are sitting in your chair or lying in bed, and to keep visualizing for as long as possible. Never let anything phase you.

From time to time, you'll skip ahead and find yourself taking giant leaps across long distances. Or you'll forget to open a door or press an elevator button. Simply go back to the moment you skipped time and do it again.

You really have to become the character you are imagining, you need to believe that you are there for real, so simulating reality as closely as possible is a must.

The thing is, by the time you take a strong first person point of view in your created scenario, you will have gone into trance and risk falling asleep. This is why this exercise is better done during the day, when you are not likely to fall asleep.

How it works is, you create something with the conscious mind and start believing that you are there. The subconscious mind slowly takes over and automates everything until you have shifted focus into it. The main issue with projection is that you have to set up the subconscious mind to do what you want it to do. So first, program it by imagining the situation, and once you lose consciousness, it'll keep doing what you wanted it to do. It's therefore an "indirect" method, but it is what is most effective for us rigid skeptics! Just remember not to fight the feeling that you are drifting off to sleep, it is what you want.

To summarize it, just pretend for so long that it becomes real. Start with something complex so that your subconscious mind becomes overactive. Don't use simple situations, otherwise your mind will get bored and do something else.

The technique above pretty much allows you to pick your dreams. You don't have to pick the situation I gave you, but it's one of the simplest examples. Just imagine anything as long as you are creating it in real time, next thing you know, you'll lose focus and you'll be in the scene with very vivid vision. Unexpected elements might appear, you will also be able to leave the body, if you so desire.