Hawkings believed that matter or 'information' was 'blinked out' of existence when it entered a black hole. But he was confused about this because it defies a law of physics - that of conservation. To counter this, another theory claimed that information escapes the disintegrating black hole and is eventually filtered back into the universe (which would explain Hawkings radiation). But, alas, this also breaks another rule of physics. If information were to filter back into space it would have to travel faster than light speed to escape being swallowed by the crushing gravity of the singularity.

Then Julian Malcadena (a relatively unknown physicist) came along and set Hawking's mind straight. His theory is that of the holographic universe. A copy of everything (using string theory) exists at the boundary of the universe (call it an elter-ego if you will).

Physicists (for now) are willing to accept this theory and Hawking's Radiation is saved because it turns out to be a copy of the information falling into the hole. The info is radiated back into space and both scenarios are covered.

I've outlined this theory, because that's all I can do. I don't understand any more.

In nutshell (according to physics) we're a hologram. A laser copy if you will, of quantum events taking place at the edge of the universe.

Does anyone know any more about this theory? or it's implications?