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Thread: Anyone seen the tall guys in dreams?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Anyone seen the tall guys in dreams?

    Funny little dream experience the other night.

    I am outside a building waiting to go inside for a staff Christmas party. The "staff" are in fact all male, very very thin and extremely tall (think around 7 feet). They are dressed in long black robes with two wide green bands running down the front. They're silent. Their faces are long.

    My dream self responds to this anomaly by presuming it's a fancy dress. Since I am without costume, I decide to make one materialise (I'm not yet lucid). I grow cute little angel wings out my back, I feel them develop. I decide I need a silver dress. I look down to to make sure it's materialising but I have no body. Still, I'm okay with this (my dream self isn't too bright, I admit). Then I make a child's boogy board appear. This I can see. It's a flying aid. I lean on it and use it to fly around outside for a while.

    Inside the building. Sense of familiarity. Eventually get lucid when I see a man hanging by his jaw from and aeroplane. I decide:
    1. I shouldn't be able to see through the ceiling
    2. He shouldn't be there.
    Then dozens of people start swarming out of the plane windows and crawling all over it.

    I do the finger pull reality test. It's too close to wake up time so the discovery creates excitement which pretty much aborts the dream. I lie still awhile, hoping to recover it, but I have no faith in the process so I get up.

    Anyway, the tall guys are new and unusual. Usually I can figure why my imagination concocts what it concocts. I just wondered about these guys a bit and if anyone had similar experiences.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Were they dressed in tails? ("Tall Tales"=tall tails)
    OK, I don't know.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
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    No tails or tales, I promise
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  4. #4
    Dsmoke Guest
    Yes, the tall guys have been in my dreams and waking visions/hallucinations. My husband's, too. They're odd and they dress funny, but they don't bother me (they tried to scare him, though).

  5. #5
    myhoran Guest

    Tall males with tails....

    6'5''-7' tall are Reptilians-and yes, they do have tails. They frequently don robes or street apparel in order not to let you see what they really look like which , ostensibly, could stop one's heart. I know this for I have seen one face to face and body....(this was in September, Labor Day, @ 3:17AM and I was AWAKE-not asleep in 1995). Not a day goes by since then that I don't think about it. It put a life-long "crack" in my psyche. Blessings, myhoran

  6. #6
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    That's a bit freaky, especially,

    It put a life-long "crack" in my psyche.
    I wonder why they scare some but not others. Could the difference be protective practices, perhaps? I wonder what they're up to. I guess black robes was probably going to be a bad sign.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  7. #7
    cainam_nazier Guest
    Haven't seen any tall people. But I understand the minds ability to just accept certain aspects of dreams. I have run into a great many strange things and it kinda funny how your mind just says "okay" and things continue. On the flip side of that though it is interesting on what your brain just can't seem to process. The craziest things could be going on around you with no triggering effect, but then you look down and you are wearing green shoes. Your brain goes, "never mind the flying clown, I would never green shoes, this must be a dream." It's kinda funny how things get put together and what gets pointed out as normal and not normal.

  8. #8
    Lunais Guest
    Abnormally tall and thin people? Kleinfelter's Syndrome was the first thing that came to mind for me. Although I'm probably wrong.

  9. #9
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    You know, the more I think about it, the more I think that my imagination manufactured these guys. What was odd was that they were so peripheral, such non-entities within the dream itself and only interesting in retrospect. But for the lucidity that followed, I wouldn't have given them much though.

    My take now is that they represent the authority figures where I work. Dull, male (nearly always male,) uniform, sanctimonious and distorted. (That's a bit rough, I know, but you can't argue with the subconscious). My attempt to conform, that is wear a costume, takes the form of being an angel but makes the real me disappear, thus, invisibility. I clearly want to boogy (the boogy board) and fly and I do anyway.

    Later in the dream (a bit I left out) I actually give the boogy-board to my boss and explain how it works.

    (But now I know more about another chromosomal abnormality syndrome and repitilians- so thanks).

    So true, Cainam. That was the end of a very busy night's dreaming and you've got no idea what my dream self just went along with.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

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