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Thread: A Technique to OBE

  1. #1
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    A Technique to OBE

    A Technique to OBE through the Earth Stone

    Basic outline
    * Opportune timing~ mind awake & body asleep ie when exhausted from heavy labour in a mid day nap

    * Journal ~ Place a journal and writing instruments close to the bed

    * Affirmation~ Read aloud your affirmations ie I will project to my best friend's home

    * Open in protection ~ LBRP or Pater Noster or as your truth dictates ... html#msg73


    Deep cleanse ~ draw energy down from crown purging thru back of heart , hands, heels ... w.html#new

    * Raise energy ~from bare feet sitting in throne pose on side of your bed ... 333.0.html

    * Lie down~ slowly and deliberately on the back or left side fetal pose if male , on stomach or right side fetal pose if female

    * Align Steles ~ if in fetal pose bring lower legs and forearms into alignment , bringing the knees up to chest limbs parallel

    * Locate Projection Exit ~ choose focus point far from you on ceiling ie a corner of ceiling furthest from your gaze

    * Astral Sight ~ close physical eyes ,look with 3rd eye towards your focus point

    * Feel Vibes ~when the vibrations begin in legs that is the time to separate

    * Lift out ~ I push off and follow my outstretched arm like I am coming up from the bottom of a deep pool to get to surface in joy

    * Return & Record ~ after waking asap reducing movement reach for journal and jot some quick notes


    Thus, to facilitate this projection one method for females is to lean forward in an armchair exposing the back at an 60 degree angle . Another is to lie on the stomach if female and lie on the back if male . But perhaps the best position for the vibe out /peel off of the astral double is to lay in a fetal position with the legs drawn up to the gut and with both lower legs touching each other lengthwise closely .

    featuring John Lennon and a friend from Annie Leibowitz's photo archives
    In this case the male lies on the left side and the female is advantaged by lying on the right side . An alchemical structure in the mid shaft of the lower leg develops over time which is similar to the kanda . When this structure is present the vibing out of the etheric /astral body is so much easier . Lying in the fetal pose opens this structure up so that the male right mid shaft centre reacts with the female one on the left leg .

    To revise ,the human being has both gender qualities within them but a female will vibe out easier from the rear and left and the male will vibe out easier from the front and right of the body . After opening in protection , sit upon the edge of your bed or couch .

    Raise energy up from the earth into the insteps of the feet . Raise on the right side red energy seeing , feeling and willing the leg to bring up and through it red , male , electric , warm , moist , heavy , dark , earth energy to the knees then the hips and into the male kanda at the base of the red stone . Similarly , raise on the left side blue , female , magnetic , cold , wet , heavy , dark , water energy up to the male kanda .

    The legs will begin to shake internally and this is called vibrations . After the vibes have begun lie down slowly into the fetal position . Energy is generated much easier with the bare feet on the floor making contact with mother Earth . But it is easier to project from this stone , lying down . So to repeat , protect , raise energy , roll into the fetal position gently and slowly . Lie with the eyes closed and the body still and allow the vibes to continue and increase in intensity . Continuing to raise energy through the insteps of the feet to power up .
    Astral Sight
    When the astral double begins to peel off allow the eyes to move with it . I find that opening my eyes now makes me retreat to the body again .Similarly , looking through the third eye in the mode I use for meditation also makes me be aware of the physical body so that does not work either . I have found that if I close my physical eyes and also close my third eye brow centre I do best . I keep all eyes closed if you will until I feel the peeling away and then I look with the astral eyes also called the eyes of the dragon to a routine spot from my bed and flow out of the body into that area of my room . I chose a spot as far away from my body as I could see while lying in the optimal fetal position . The astral eyes are on either side of the third eye brow centre and these are used instinctively by all projectors . Robert Bruce says if you find self in the dark say "clarity now " or "astral vision on ". There are aspects of these parts of the brow centre that are superior for projection to the third eye . Interestingly many people who do not demonstrate clairvoyance in meditation yet are able to see in dreams and in projections just fine .

    Linking to a person . I choose where I will go while alert before I lie down . I 'will' myself to that place I wish to go to , or to that person I wish to be with . I see the person in my mind or hold an object of theirs . If I want to connect with my husband while he is away , I smell his pillow case and then hold that pillow to my heart . In this way I have been able to enter his dreams or appear to him in etheric projection . If you intend to connect to a friend you might generate a temporary cord of energy to them . This is done by sending a temporary link of energy to their heart with their permission . The link is felt by them and sent on an arc like a pendalum swinging back again to you . Continue to do this until you fall into their auric space .

    OBE from the Earth Stone
    When we project out of the Earth Stone , we exit as a gender specific body .That is that the male projector issues a life size blue silhouette from the right and front of the human energy body and the female projector issues a life size pink silhouette from the left and rear of the human energy body . This is a paradox because the female is more water but projects as earth and the male is more earth but projects as water . The human retains their own genders essence and what pulls away into the etheric body is like a glove of energy which is not unlike Peter Pan's shadow in that it is able to look like us but in one colour and it can move independent of us . The projection that is issued has been called the astral double or the etheric body .

    Projections from Earth /Water elements
    This is a heavy projection of earth and water energy hermetically that emits from the Earth Stone . This projection has assets which include being the easiest seen should you want to visit a clairvoyant peer .This form can also be felt and this means the projector can interact in a more physical manner by walking , hugging or touching .

    The projector from the Earth Stone is able to visit what is called the Real Time Zone or the RTZ , this is a projection to a remote location or another place during real time .So you might appear and sense a remote place . You can connect to the name , the face and the energy signature of a friend and work as a peer with them to map out each other's home layout . You can connect just as you did above .

    Sensing a remote location
    You will find that energy that is a different temperature than the air will be easiest to see . One can sense air conditioners , heaters , lamps , refrigerators and dryers most easily . Similarly , windows , doors ,stairwells , computers and televisions are easier to see . Animals may be invisible so may unawares but a live human who is full in the energy body will be seen and what is eery is that you can also see their energy trace . So it is possible to see the footprints on a carpet recently walked upon or see a bum print on a chair recently sat on . Dining room chairs that are never sat in are cold and become invisible but the ones that are in the same room that are used daily are hot in energy and can be seen . The site in RTZ is unlike any other realm . People that appear to us are monochrome . If we connect closely with them and can anchor our selves in consciousness there we are able to see their skin colour sometimes but eyes are generally invisible .When one initially appears in a remote location , the area may seem all gray and as the connection becomes stronger colours will begin to appear . The colour of the clothing is much harder to see than the colour of their energy body . Colours of walls are more difficult to see than colours of furniture . Try to walk or float upright through the room you find your friend along the walls noting where something can be seen such as a window or a door on your right side and continue until you find an obstacle . In this projection floating through walls is too easy . To navigate along the floor line and float through open doorways is much less stress upon the connection . Sometimes you will see through walls drawn to live projectors in other rooms or to animals or even deceased spirits that are near .

    Exercise to improve clairient sense in RTZ
    Another advantage can be afforded by this projection done in bi location . In this manner , the projector can learn to remote view and bi locate consciousness with a partner by leaving in OBE during meditative trance and sensing while the mind is awake . Trance affords optimal recall that sleep robs us of . Working with a partner who is at the remote location , attempt to bi locate in trance so that you can with a little effort type a few words and then fly a bit see some more and type again reporting what you sense ie . I am drawn to an area of light I feel it is a window on your right . Which you might type as ...' window right ' or as a full sentence if you can manage to slip back and forth in consciousness easily . Try to map the perimeter of the room ."

    Further down that wall I see a rectangle of coloured light I feel this is a tv on the wall facing you . I am turning now onto the tv wall and I find an opening I see a bathroom here . Coming back to that wall I see a huge opening of light I feel this is a sliding glass door . I am projecting out of the door I see a pool on my right ." etc .

    The partner makes short brief comments ie " Y" or" N "or "no window but opening to next room ". Do not elaborate on what they miss and get wrong look to confirm any little bit that is right in this way they gain confidence but they also strengthen their link and sense better .

    One can also be with a loved one separated by distance .A form of good tantra can occur here . This is when you visit someone with permission and enjoy each other's company while out of the body . There is a form of sexual tantra which can be enjoyed and is not dangerous if one protects and acts in love with permission much as partners would in physical conjugation . There is another form of this tantric visit which is predatious in nature and causes harm to both a victim and the perpetrator . That form of unwanted visit lowers the vibration of the projector allowing for negative attachments and weakening both the victim and the perp and causing fear , illness , anxiety and depression etc. This inflicts a karmic debt . Shielding your bedroom is a good form of defense against such perps .

    Entering Dreams
    On the other hand , a visit to a relative in a nursing home or hospital is a kindness . One can appear at the bedside and show you care , enter the dreams of the sleeping one you visit and assure them of your loving support .To enter the dreams , we go to them in the astral and follow their energy signature back to the sleeping body and ask for permission to enter the dreamscape . Even unawares can be quite capable of refusing entry into their dreamscape and this privacy should be respected . But if you are permitted then this is a place to plead your case , try to reason with someone you care about concerning difference of opinions . I have used this technique to convince a beloved daughter to return home when she ran away to live with a boyfriend . Of course acting without permission or attempting to influence someone in a harmful way incurs consequences and karmic debt .

    Totemic Plane
    The lower realm called the totemic plane is another destination of the etheric body . We can go to hear totemic animal advice , We purposely lower the vibration slightly by raising heavy water energy to fall into the realm below the earth and into the caves and tunnels of Mother Earth .Here is one journey to the Totemic Cave ;Sound 5 aumms or stir a tibetan singing bowl or turn it over and bang it upon the bottom bit as a bell , strum a celtic drum or bang two wooden rhythm sticks together . Just find the rhythmic sound that releases your subconscious memories and go deeper slower ...deeper slower and down into the ground below the earth to a cave where it is safe and warm .

    A solitary rock on dank moist hardened ground is the only thing you see besides the gray rock walls surrounding you .But sit upon this large flat topped rock and animals will approach you , as many as nine of them . Ask each one their name . Ask them why they are in your life right now , what is their wisdom and if they are totems for life or just this stage . These animal spirits will show you their message in dream imagery or if you listen carefully you may hear them speak to you . If you cannot hear them well just look to see what animal arrives and tell them you cannot hear them . Ask them to show you . This is an excellent place to begin mystic visions. A brilliant Totem interpretation site ;

    Perhaps the favourite destination from the Earth Stone is the Astral Planes .
    The Astral Plane is unlike the RTZ or the Totemic in that it can be without physical constraints . Vision here may appear dreamlike and yet more clear and real then dreams . Often the first sight in the AStral Planes is swirling psychodelic swaths of colour that seem to float by formlessly . There may be a noticable absence of the floor or any sky or ceiling either . Thinking of a person may cause a form of them to appear to you . You might see them show you imagery to communicate with you and recall this when they awaken . You can use the AStral like a bus station to get to a remote location and then enter a dream or power up into a full astral double . It is possible to send the astral double to a remote location and then re unite with it leaving the tranced or sleeping body completely . The astral can be a conduit for such play between the etheric plane , the real time zone , a dreamscape , a mindscape and the astral .

    Kundalini Cobras to find another in the Astral
    In a certain kundalini event , a skirt of cobras will manifest on the chest at the sun stone and on the pelvis at the earth stone . The skirt is called the skirt of Vishnu and the heart cobras are on the Urn of Ganeesha also called the feathers of Garuda . The magician can link to an opposite gendered person or sexual partner using the pelvic cobras and link to a friend or same gendered person using the heart cobras . The cobras are named when they develop the centre one is for the lover on the skirt . The centre one is for the best friend on the heart . The cobras that are closest to your 180 degrees are for family members the ones at centre are non family members . A cobra can be renamed but it is best to name them well because the energy link to that person can become so charged with their signature that it becomes difficult to rename it . When the cobras manifest there are usually 3 cobras on kids and I have seen up to 11 on adults with a strong energy body . There will be an odd number always the one in the centre is balanced by an equal number of cobras on either side . To name a cobra hold it in your energy awareness hands and say the name with eyes closed see the person and link to them and go there in projection . One or two times should allow you then to use that cobra to find them and follow them anywhere . Again this technique should be with someone you love or care about and should be used only with permission . Robert Bruce writes that one can then think of the person and their cobra will point to that person and you can follow the snake through the astral to find them . Once the cobras are not needed they disappear . To call them up again merely protect , raise energy and will them to exit from the stones . See them feel them and they become extensions of your energy body .

    Etheric Plane
    An etheric replica of your home ,your city and everyplace on Earth occurs just above the physical actually beginning in the physical and flowing from it and into the lower astral . The etheric is heavier and lower than the Astral but lighter than the physical and drifts over it like an aura of clouds might . The etheric of a landmark city like Paris will appear with the major landmarks as one sees in the physical but there will be no traffic , litter , pollution , cacophony etc. A new building may not appear in the etheric yet . Buildings which are no longer there might not have decayed from the etheric yet . It is like hitting the pause on the remote control of a movie . The colours are vivid and real . There is no dreamlike quality in the lines and definition but there is lucid dreamstate flow and one can move into it from the dreamstate . You can see and hear people . You can choose to meet people and communicate with them .

    Using Core Image to find a location ie Akashic Records
    One of the favourite sites to visit in the AStral is in the Upper Astral /Monadic Plane . This is called the Akashic Records . To get anywhere you want by will visualising a core image of a place is often sufficient . Especially if you build up that core image yourself by visiting the realm . Once you have anchored a core image , you can return by simply protecting , raising energy and sitting in meditative trance while bringing the core image to the third eye and entering it until the realm phases around you . In this manner you do not leave your body but expand your consciousness in a Robert Monroe method . However using the same core image one can also choose to OBE and enter the realms .

    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  2. #2
    Aunt Clair that is amazing, thank you so much for posting that. I LOVE the icons you used, very helpful for us visual learners.

  3. #3
    Fish Guest
    Awesome thank you! *bows*

  4. #4


    Hi Aunt Clair.

    I feel vibs very often in my legs but when i recognize them and even if they don't disturb me they cease after a while and I seem to not liftoff.

    Also often i feel my legs vibrating but in a very fine way for example when i do energy work and when my cat is sitting on me when im sitting here on my puter. I think i vibe a lot O_o .

  5. #5
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    Re: Re:

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky90
    Hi Aunt Clair.

    I feel vibs very often in my legs but when i recognize them and even if they don't disturb me they cease after a while and I seem to not liftoff.

    Also often i feel my legs vibrating but in a very fine way for example when i do energy work and when my cat is sitting on me when im sitting here on my puter. I think i vibe a lot O_o .
    Hi Rocky.
    The vibrations that you feel when you do energy work are not the same as the exit vibrations. It's like comparing a bee to a chainsaw, lol.
    Also, everyone doesn't feel vibrations, and if you project a lot you may stop having them. This is because it is thought that vibrations are a symptom of change of focus or consciousness from the physical to the nonphysical. A drastic change being received by the brain prior to separation, so to speak. But as you progress, the body (be it physical or nonphysical) gets used to it, and then you transition with less symptoms. So you may get them strongly and then none, but some people just never get them.
    If you do get exit vibrations, you can try an exit technique anytime from the feeling of having them up to minutes after they stop. You can exit after they stop, if you don't stop trying. I have separated up to 5-10 minutes after the vibes stopped using the rope method, for example.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia

    Re: Re:

    I agree ,when the vibes are weak it may be because the energy body either
    1.does not have enough energy raised prior to work
    2. there are blockages in the flow of energy in the energy body
    3.the energy body has not developed sufficiently to manifest the kandas in the inner calves .

    Try to deep cleanse then raise and I suggest trying NEW and reading Energy Work by Robert Bruce to learn methods to develop the energy body more .
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia

    Re: Re:

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky90
    Hi Aunt Clair.

    I feel vibs very often in my legs but when i recognize them and even if they don't disturb me they cease after a while and I seem to not liftoff.

    Also often i feel my legs vibrating but in a very fine way for example when i do energy work and when my cat is sitting on me when im sitting here on my puter. I think i vibe a lot O_o .
    Hi Rocky.
    The vibrations that you feel when you do energy work are not the same as the exit vibrations. It's like comparing a bee to a chainsaw, lol.
    Also, everyone doesn't feel vibrations, and if you project a lot you may stop having them. This is because it is thought that vibrations are a symptom of change of focus or consciousness from the physical to the nonphysical. A drastic change being received by the brain prior to separation, so to speak. But as you progress, the body (be it physical or nonphysical) gets used to it, and then you transition with less symptoms. So you may get them strongly and then none, but some people just never get them.
    If you do get exit vibrations, you can try an exit technique anytime from the feeling of having them up to minutes after they stop. You can exit after they stop, if you don't stop trying. I have separated up to 5-10 minutes after the vibes stopped using the rope method, for example.
    I agree and I suggest that you read ENERGY WORK by Robert Bruce and practice NEW which has free tutorials here . I feel that there are a few things to consider when the vibrations are weak ;
    * insufficient energy has been raised prior to OBE attempt
    * the energy body has not manifested strong enough centres yet
    * there are blockages impeding the flow of energy
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  8. #8
    Hibby Guest

    Re: A Technique to OBE

    lol! although i haven't had the time to practise OBEing, because i always drag on too long, i've noticed my dreams become more real which is fantastic. Anyway i heard Robert Bruce talking about staying up for two nights and then sleeping for 90 mins, wake up and attempting OBE is a powerful technique. Although i weren't serious about this, i accidentally stayed up all night yesterday and got about 1 hour of sleep> I also felt vibrations and dizziness without doing anything and since i'm here anyway i thought maybe i should stay up another night. lmao sounds kinda crazy but hey, it'll be worth it if i OBE right? wish me luck

    The ROPE technique didn't really work for me, somehow it puts a lot of stress on my mind, i think a more relaxed method of OBE suits me better.

    I might start reading that book NEW cause i feel like i'm wasting time not practising and since energy work also helps OBE maybe i can do them even when i'm not at home.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: A Technique to OBE

    I just want to add that RB did say it was a method to OBE but it wasn't recommended. This is in the 'Ask RB thread'.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #10
    Hibby Guest

    Re: A Technique to OBE

    lmao i can see why now, although i doubt it'll work, it was interesting to feel the body in this weird state.

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