I had a dream last night that I was in the Army. We were in a battle. I just assume it was against Iraq. the battle field was so weird. It was a nice little valley with green grass all around, and a huge building was separating us from the other army. We were launching huuge missiles over the building. But there were enemy troops on our side too, in this crawl space type thing. And there were troops on my side who had allied with the enemy in this crawl space, so I had to be careful not to get killed by one of them. Eventually I was the only troop on my side left, so I ran without a weapon into a backyard and hid in an enclosed outdoor shower. But they found me! So I grabbed a knife from one of the two enemies and stabbed them both and hid again. But this time all the troops found me, so I ran down this allie. I knew I had to escape, and somehow I realized I could shoot a web like spiderman, so I shot my web and flew up to a building. Then I realized if i could do that, I could fly, and the dream became lucid. So I was flying from tree to tree, and I realized I should just have an OBE. So I immediately was back in my body getting vibrations. But it seemed like I didnt have any energy left, I just got done sleeping like 10 hours, and I was only out of my body for like 2 seconds and it was over.
I do remember one part of the dream that seemed like a test tho... I was taking a wee in this guys allie and he saw me. It was actually George Kastansa's dad from seinfeld. He seemed like he wanted to hurt me or chase me at least,and usually I would run. But I had courage this time, because I remembered that some of my dreams were actually tests, so I was brave and he came at me, so I started weeing (polite edit) on him and he ran away. Then I ran at this lady and starting weeing on her too, for what reason I do not know. But I have dreams where Im chased quite often, and Im probably never going to run again.