All dreams are psychic dreams. Please review meaning of psychic in a dictionary. All dreams have meanings on multiple levels even the dreams that come from eating food before bed or from watching a television show or from background noise that you hear and bring into a dream. Life is multi-dimensional. Dreams are multi-dimensional. Dreams are a way for our higher self to connect to the oneness of the universe and "see" more clearly. Dreams are timeless. You could have a dream as a child - figure out what its lesson was for that time in your life, remember it 20 years later and find another lesson in the dream for your present time.

Reoccuring dreams usually mean that there is still an issue not faced, still a lesson to be learned, still an awareness to connect and grow.

Scary dreams sometimes reflect our fears. I've worked with children having bad dreams. I first give them a protector(s) to help protect them from any harm. Usually the protector is a hero of theirs. A boy who has a GI Joe figurine - I tell them to grow GI Joe and he is so powerful and he could fight anything, he will protect you against the bad. I then try to find out what the bad is. Is it a real danger - predator in another space, or a reflection of fear. If it is a fear reflection, I coach the children to face the bad thing.....with their protector by their side. Many native american animals are spiritual totems for us, but we run from them in dream because in this reality we know tht they could harm us, where in dream reality, they are our guide, a power animal for us to help us grow & guide us on our path. The dream state is like an drawing board. You could create almost anything. Use your imagination.

When I was in grade school, we had to do science projects. I chose dreams. I had each grade write down their dreams for a week and submit. It was around 3rd grade where almost everyone dreamed of monsters. In 6th grade most had dreams about being naked in public. These are an example of reflections of fear.

So, begin by asking yourself questions - what is the scary thing in these repetitive dreams. Does that scary things change. Ask for protection for your dream state and ask to see things more clearly. Then you could even try to consciously re-enter the dream to see more details and play out the dream in a controlled way - protected. is a good web site to begin. He has simple steps to start analizing your dreams and information on dream re-entry.

I hope this helps. Good luck and Sweet Dreams.