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Thread: Negative influence in dream?

  1. #1
    Dialgo Guest

    Negative influence in dream?

    Early on this morning I had a dream, not quite like any other I've ever had. I had a chain series of dreams going on, one after another. I had actually done energy work just before falling asleep (I was exhausted, was going to meditate...I know its not the best to do @ night but I have a limited schedule). Well anyways the dream that really, really disturbed me is I was out running with my friends for fun (Im a hard-core runner in real life). Well we were running but for some reason they all kept passing me up, and this was weird because in reality im a much better runner than them all. I end up finding myself alone in a field with about knee high grass and a few outcrops of young trees and the sky is turning dark. This is when an intense fear hit me, and I got this cold and primal sensation running up and down my spine (which has never happened to me in a dream). The seemingly peaceful field became very frightening quickly when a rogue, seemingly mad horse came at me out of the tree line. It didn't try to kill me at first, just rear up on its hinds make a frightening noise and swing its forefeet toward me. Then it just began to attack me and I had to keep dodging it while I screamed for help. There was a small white house nearby with a man in the window with headphones on doing exercises, and he didn't hear me immediately. Once he did, he came out and the horse was amazingly gone. Then things turned worse, he was telling/calling me the worse degrading things I've ever heard, and I just remember him feeling...evil. I don't know, does anyone think this dream has any meaning to it? Or any possibility of a negative influence? Thanks guys/gals!

  2. #2
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    Dialgo, it seems to me this dream has a lot of meaning for you because it's made a significant impact.

    I can see a lot of symbolic content but I think what something symbolises to me isn't necessary what it symbolises to you. This said, you can get a lot of insight by inviting people to interpret your dream's meaning.

    For what it's worth, A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams by Belzebuub says this about horses:

    Horse: It represents the work in the physical as a car does. To be mounted on a horse indicates spiritual advancement. If the horse is well decorated, it indicates a good sign. A runaway horse is spiritually dangerous.

    There are dream yoga sites that take you through steps where you can interrogate the different elements of your dream for meanings as well. You might find such a process helpful and interesting.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  3. #3
    Dialgo Guest
    @Beekeeper, thanks for the reply. Thanks for the advice, yeah im definitely open to people's interpretations of my dream. I've had a try at interpreting it myself...and I will check out the yoga dream sites...they sound like they could be pretty helpful.

    The dream seems to me it be saying something about my self esteem, as in getting left behind by others in the race when I know im in fact a good runner yet I always think im not good enough. The horse might be my daunting challenge of career choices im facing right now, which has been particularly hard for me lately (Im trying to choose where to go after my bach in Physiology). The person could have been my parent(s) who are always scrutinizing my beliefs as far as religion, which I have began to question...which infuriates them more . That’s a try I've had at interpreting it, though I can't rule out that eerie feeling I had during that dream, the fear and the evil I felt was so real to me.

  4. #4
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    Well we were running but for some reason they all kept passing me up, and this was weird because in reality im a much better runner than them all.

    I would have interpreted this along the lines you did if this were my dream. With your added information, it could also be about your anxieties competing in the job market.

    I end up finding myself alone in a field with about knee high grass and a few outcrops of young trees and the sky is turning dark.

    This, to me, suggests where you are in your life. Early stages yet. Some accomplishments achieved. It gels then with what you said about having finished your Bachelor of Phisiology degree and looking (open spaces provide vistas) for a job. Turning dark suggests, to me, your fears and anxieties at this stage in your life.

    This is when an intense fear hit me, and I got this cold and primal sensation running up and down my spine (which has never happened to me in a dream). The seemingly peaceful field became very frightening quickly when a rogue, seemingly mad horse came at me out of the tree line. It didn't try to kill me at first, just rear up on its hinds make a frightening noise and swing its forefeet toward me. Then it just began to attack me and I had to keep dodging it while I screamed for help.

    Again, I'd interpret this about fear about where your life is heading and not feeling in control. I feel you probably have a strong sense of responsibility and you place big expectations on yourself. Maybe you're being a little too hard on yourself and you need to ease up. Screaming for help suggests that you're feeling overwhelmed, that you fear you can't handle your challenges without support. Do those near and dear to you understand your need for support?

    You say you argue with your parents over religion. Perhaps the horse is this aspect too. It's hard sometimes to hold your own against older people who can out argue you with their apparent logic. This doesn't alter your intuitive sense that their truth isn't yours, it just helps you refine your beliefs. But, it can be very uncomfortable and feel overwhelming, especially if it's a two or more against one might is right kind of situation. Try to remember that they may feel very threatened and concerned by you intellectual independence. They're still your parents but you can choose what conversations you're prepared to discuss with them and what topics you choose to avoid.

    There was a small white house nearby with a man in the window with headphones on doing exercises, and he didn't hear me immediately. Once he did, he came out and the horse was amazingly gone. Then things turned worse, he was telling/calling me the worse degrading things I've ever heard, and I just remember him feeling...evil.

    White house- white usually is suggestive of cleanliness or purity but it could also suggest blandness and presidential type control (even if you're not American). The purity seems limited to the house, rather than the occupant, so it's for show. The headphones and exercise suggest someone too busy and absorbed to hear you most the time but he does hear you. The attack on you is disturbing. You raise the question of an "evil influence". I know where you're coming from with this one, having encountered some evil characters in my dreams and really wondering what was going on.

    It's possible that you will react to something subconsciously in a way you wouldn't necessarily acknowledge consciously. Perhaps you are feeling very abused and you understand this is really damaging to your psyche. This isn't to say people are consciously trying to hurt you but they may be doing so unconsciously or your self-judgement is doing so.

    It's possible something "evil' is messing with you, creating, manipulating and exacerbating your insecurities. If this is what you sincerely believe, I suggest you read RB's tutorial on core image removal and give that a go.

    As you can see, you're the best person to interpret your dream!

    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  5. #5
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    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  6. #6
    Dialgo Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Beekeeper
    As you can see, the best person to interpret your dream was you.

    You were right , thanks.

  7. #7
    cainam_nazier Guest
    Dream "good/evil" can be a tough one to figure out in dreams when your emotions come into play. One of the things that you have to remember is that your emotions are so much stronger in your dreams. They can spin almost out of control, more so with fear. The result can often be that everything is suddenly after you. Also you have to consider that fear is the strongest emotion people tend to fell in dreams because it is our most primal feeling.

    It's just some thing to think about.

  8. #8
    Dialgo Guest
    @ Caminam_nazier....yeah, I know what you mean about emotions being strong in dreams. I recently just had a dream I was at home one night and got a call my parents were in a wreck and killed. It was a horrifying dream and I had a wierd lucid dream state of some pretty wicked emotions after that.

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