Hey all..

I am a fan of the works of Castaneda. I haven't read all the works yet, but what I read I took as true. I have read that Castaneda is a fiction writer who concocted the stories in his books. I didn't entertain the thought at first until I checked out one of the sites purported to show where he is a fake.


Of particular interest to me is the breakdown of the different takes of the ‘supposed’ first meeting between Castaneda and don Juan. It can be argued that one would remember the first meeting with one's teacher of such marvelous things, and not miss simple details such as whether initially don Juan was sitting down and Castaneda walked in, or if Castaneda was sitting and don Juan walked in. Or, whether don Juan was sitting by a window or in a corner when Castaneda and a friend walked in.

Please adherents and skeptics alike share your impressions of the works of Castaneda and your thoughts on whether the books recount fact or elucidate fiction, and why?