Hello everyone!

I've had several OBEs over the past half months, picking up AD in probably July or something. Most, if not all of them have been false awakenings. It didn't seem I was fully conscious in them and they could be called more or less astral wandering experiences. They involved trying to levitate objects and myself and just moving around my house clumsily. I experienced and OBE a few days after picking up AD. The first two ones were scary because I felt a force pulling me from behind that I couldn't fight off, which I realized upon coming to that it was likely just myself. The second one was kinda funny because there was this cheesy sheet covered ghostly image behind me in the mirror in the bathroom It hardly looked human, let alone ghostlike, but my arms became dead and I couldnt get out of its grasp so the fear took me back.

Almost all of them have been done with the saltcube method of setting your alarm earlier than normal, or falling alseep in a chair and projecting unintentionally. I think thats mainly the reason why I've been so clumsy and out of it in my OBES. I've hade more awareness and lucidity in dreams recently oddly enough.

I've been using NEW for months now, and had good results thus far, although my sacral and solar chakras dont give me nearly the same level of sensations as my others.

Day 1
Energy: Tired(~6hrs sleep).
Clairvoyance: Strong afterimages appearing after split seconds and purple "vortex" haze occuring in a minute or two, noticely faster than normal.

Had to go to class in 20 minutes and wasn't prepared, with my room being messy from getting back, and forgetting the hard backed chair at first.

I had more stimulation in my feet than I've felt in a while, probably because I really took my time tracing the movement and scratching them, two things I typically overlooked in the past months and sped through with just rapid back and forth movements.

The pre stimulation really makes it easier to feel and drag the sensations, which otherwise takes me some time to get the vibrations and tingling going on less active and sensative areas.